How To Conduct a Storytime
There are many ways to conduct a storytime. Choose an approach with which you feel comfortable. Consult some of the general information and tips available on how to conduct a storytime. But, remember…relax. What is most important to is that you enjoy what you are doing. If you have fun, you can be sure that the kids will too!
These resources provide general information and tips on how to conduct a storytime.
Lap Time: Getting Started
Information on how to get started with a babies storytime are offered.
These include some suggestions for the equipment needed, program opening,
types and number of activities to use, and ideas for closing. The discussion
is brief, but includes some very helpful suggestions.
Lap Time: Tips
Program tips are covered in a separate section.
These deal with repetition in the program, following the group, using songs
on tape, using two themes if needed, props, flannelboards, thinking multi-sensory,
and watching how the babies respond. The tips are specific and particularly
Products: RYC Ten Storytime Tips
Ten storytime tips are available. They relate to
selection of materials; time needed for planning; reading through books;
the order of the materials; practice of fingerplays; using a familiar activity
for gathering; introducing book titles, authors, and illustrators; changing
voice tone and volume; using frequent eye contact; and encouraging children
to retell stories. The ideas are general in nature and offer basic guidelines
for planning and conducting a storytime.
County Public Library: Toolbox
More storytime tips are suggested. Topics included
are enthusiasm, book selection, seating arrangements, inclusion of activities
with books, thematic storytimes, questions not to ask of a group, and distractions
during storytime. Considerations for book selection are particularly good.
Pathfinder prepared June 23, 2000 by Terry Rabideau
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