total height: 45 to 55,4 meters
mass to the takeoff: 745 to 750 tons
total thrust to the takeoff: 11360 kN
countenance of reservoirs: 158 tons of propellants cryotechnics,
9.7 tons of storable propellants
and 474 tons of powder
performance in geostationary transfer orbit: 6800kg (simple launching)

Types of launchers

Ariane 5 : The next generation

Ariane 5 profile

(JPEG, 27kb)

1. Cover

2. Slot to facilities

3. Floor to storable propellants

4. Floor of acceleration to powder

5. Motor to strong propellant

6. Main cryotechnic floor

7. Propulsion

Partners of the Ariane 5 program

(JPEG, 34kb)

To know more about Ariane5, click here


Designed: Stargate