Things that really piss me off

*Note: These are intended for fun or amusement or whatever, not as a 'warning sign'. But, if I hadn't done that, you can't do jack shit! I know my rights! But, in the interest of stifling my opinions to make others happy and keep people from calling the school hotline, any possibly offensive things have been removed."
1.Stupid people. There were literally
DOZENS of names I wanted to put here, but face it, you know who you are.
2.That goo on popsicles.
3.When jerks like Tommy Lee, 
Dennis Rodman, and Carson 
Daly steal my women (Pamela 
Anderson, Carmen Electra, 
and Jennifer Love Hewitt).
4.When someone picks up 
the phone while I'm online.
5.When light bulbs burn out.
7.Those pins on the
floor in dressing rooms.
8.The Spice Girls.
10.Lack of hard drive space.
11.People who are bigger than me.
12.People who try to 're-invent the wheel".
13.People who talk to me or otherwise disturb my "loner"
14.People who mock me for naming my cat "Fluffy".
*For a picture of Fluffy, click here
15.My slow-ass 28.8 modem.
16.Those jerks who keep throwing thier condoms into my 
front yard.
17.My 133MHz processor.
18.People who don't recognize or appreciate
my superior wit, intelligence, and good looks.
19."People" people.
20.Band trips.
21.Being suspended for no good reason.
22.The Red Chinese gaining 2 GENERATIONS
(That's 40 YEARS for all you rejects who can't add)
of nuclear research in 6 years of espionage. That and
Bill Clinton defending them because of 'campaign
23.People in general.
24.The three-credit foreign language graduation
25.Late people.
27.Joey McIntyre, Jordan Knight, and all the New Kids
on the Block.
33.Diet Soda.
34.Veggie Burgers.
35.N'sync and the Backstreet Boys
**Ever notice that in the one BSB song where the guy's 
saying "Am I sexual?" the other guys say "yeah"? What's
up with that?!?
38.The continued delay in releasing Command & 
Conquer II: Tiberian Sun. And now that it's out, the fact
that it is not at all what I expected and actually really
39.How shows on TBS always start at 5 and 35 minutes
after the hour. Why can't they be normal like the other
41.'Important news broadcasts' in the middle of JAG 
42.Tyranny and oppression.
43.98 Degrees.
44.People who don't like Green Day
46.Kid Rock.
48.The Sony Playstation.
49.People who disagree with me.
50.Hitler, Nazis, and the First, Second, and Third Reichs.
----------------This list has broken 50!----------------
52.The internal-combustion engine.
53.Country music.
54.OJ Simpson.
55.The movies "Titanic","Harriet the Spy", and "Of 
Mice and Men".
57.The three more years of high school I have to go
through before I can graduate.
58.The 20/20 vision requirement to pilot military
aircraft. (I'm off to Marine Armor now. Oh well. Maybe a shaped 
charge with superheated gas going through your chest is more fun
than it looks.)
59.The constant bashing things like Doom, rap music,
and awesome movies keep getting saying they
contribute to violence. FYI, Keauno Reeves had a VERY GOOD REASON for 
busting in there with those guns and blowing away all those guys!
If you had any sense, you'd do the same thing in his position!
60.Having to leave the house.
61.Natural light.
62.People who don't LOVE Britney Spears.
63.South Park.
64.Society in general.
65. The fact that most girls with a decent "chest structure"
have to balance it out with a disproportionate ass.
66.School trips.
67.Especially band trips.
70.The fact that women make no sense. Admit it, guys! They don't!
71.People who call me a loser or say I have a "bad attitude". Here's
a news flash, I have very, very good reasons for being like I am, and
maybe if you had to deal with the shit I have had to, you'd be a litte
cynical too.
72.People in general.
73.People who say the USA isn't the best country in the 
world. I think these people should be rounded up and 
deported to France to see that many people aren't as
lucky as Americans.
74.People who would rather go to jail than fight in a war 
after being drafted. I say if you aren't willing to give your
life for your country then you shouldn't have the privilage
of inhabiting it. These people should be sent to France too.
Maybe being whipped by wussy-ass Germans four times
will help them realize why fighting is neccissary.
75.WWII French military leadership. Why? Click here
76.Quinn on Daria.
78.Gambling. At least the fact that I always lose.
79.grammer 'n speling
81.The MIG-21.
82.Racism, bigotry, etc.
83.English teachers who give me a lot of bull in the 
middle of a presentation and say a poem is talking 
about a gun instead of a person. 
84.People who talk about me behind my back. Actually, 
it's mostly people who think they are talking about me 
behind my back and are being loud and I hear all of it 
while on a bus or in class. People can say
whatever they want behind my back as long as it's true
and really behind my back.
85.How the so-called 'popular' girls treat me and other
so-called 'un-popular' guys like dirt. If someone treats
me like dirt they need a good reason, not my social status.
86.Child molesters
87.Black-and-white movies
88.The video game 'Battlezone'
89.Alarm clocks
90.Gossipy girls. Does it matter at all who's going
with who or who said what? That's bullshit! And you
morons are entertained by it! I don't give a fuck 
who that guy likes or what she thinks! But you people
tell me anyway!
95.I'm sorry, but I need a whole new page for this
96.People who blame their misbehavior on me.
97.People who make false accusations.
98.The *chinnxpffxl* noise that the cable box
makes when I change the channel.
99.Drunk drivers.
----------------This list has broken 100!----------------
101.When a good looking girl talks to me and I
can't think of something to say!
103.My POS Microsoft Sidewinder.
105.Wednesday schools.
106.My glasses.
107.Commercials for 'feminine hygine' products.
108.Public transportation.
109.This stupid key with the Windows icon on it that I
keep hitting by mistake.
110.When someone hangs the toilet paper the wrong way.
111.Two-column proofs.
113.The scratch on my Top Gun soundtrack CD.
114.Gym class.
115.Stitches. Especially when the doctor sits there saying 
shit like "See? It isn't that bad!", or "Well, I numbed it".
They are pretty painful, I've had a lot! I just hate it.
116.Hot girls who are taller than me. I can't stand that!
118.Bill Clinton
119.Hilary Clinton
120.That little baby Clinton
121.Christina Aguilera
122.Salmonella (you know, the reason we can't eat cookie dough).
123.Incredibly stupid people.
125.People who don't know when to shut up. I know what you're
thinking, "What the hell? Does he think he knows when to shut 
up???" right? Well, I DO know when to shut up, I just choose
not to.
126.All the red tape in getting my temps. It took 3 hours. 5 
minutes were spent looking through the book, 5 taking the test,
and the rest was filling out forms and waiting.
128.Vane, shallow, self-absorbed people.
129.People with no common sense.
130.That "Amaya"(?) chick on MTV's Real World.
131.The whiny "my dad's dead" chick on there too.

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