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there can be only one --------------------Beat
make it so -------------------------------Fast
hatchet ----------------------------------Chop
wood fast
title --------------------------------------Enables/disables
cheat mode
noglues ----------------------------------Stops
magic traps (rune spell)
glittering prizes --------------------------Gold,
lumber and oil
it is a good day to die
on screen -------------------------------Map
for single + multiplayer
every little thing she does
deck me out ----------------------------Upgrade
wepons and armor
unite the clans ---------------------------Takes
you to the victory sequence
you pitiful worm -------------------------Takes
you to the scenario's loss sequence
tigerlily ----------------------------------Enables
orc X------------------------------------Warp
to orc level X (where "X" is a # 1-14)
human X---------------------------------Warp
to human level X (where "X" is a # 1-14)
axe and saw -----------------------------Same
as "hatchet" in some versions of war 2
Useless Codes
4-7 -------------------------------------Displayes
"We're smarter than you"
valdez -----------------------------------Oil
spycob ----------------------------------Oil
showpath -------------------------------
Map for single player only
ucla -------------------------------------Displayes
"go bruins!"
netprof ----------------------------------laser
light show
fastdemo --------------------------------Plays
clips of fighting inbetween levels
day --------------------------------------Displayes
never a winner ---------------------------Impossible
to win
allowsync --------------------------------give
up in multi-player games
disco (while expansion CD
is in) -----------Plays disco music
orcX --------------------------------------Warp
to orc level X (where "x" is a # 15-27)
humanX -----------------------------------Warp
to human level X (where "x" is a # 15-27)