Education - Instruction



       In this structer of our school, male - female co- education is done the whole day .  Among the male the students who have the appropriate conditions, have possiblities for attending school without mony or recuiring payment.

      In our school, students graduate at the end of four years, providing that they attend one year english prep and three years high school. In these times in addition to high school lessons, they have lessons, which provide  education formation too. From the whole possibilities of the education technique which being the necessitiy of the age, they benefit from one personal desks  in classrooms, where less than 36 students and in the laboratories of computer, physics, chemistry, biology. Choosing the field which they interested, students have the possibilities, of the having education-Instruction . Thanks to these possibilities. University success have reached for %70 every passing year these success level are increasing.



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