Chapter 16



The aluminum has been ordered for the control's torque tubes, and I have begun to cut them and put them together. The small square over the tube is a phenolic bearing that was cut and shaped to the correct size.

*OUCH*! I just accidentally drilled through a $64 universal joint......


The torque tube has been installed. It took me an excessively long time to get the phenolic bearings screwed into the cockpit, due to the small spaces I had to work in. I will have to take them out again to assemble the entire control assembly back to the firewall.

The controls are installed, temporarily. I will permanently keep them in when the firewall is in. (I plan to have that done in Feb., along with the brakes) One problem though, the last torque tube piece (CS121 for those that care) is dragging slightly against the GIB armrest. Not sure why. Not sure what to to, either.

CS121 was dragging against a small piece of the rear seat bulkhead. I used my drememl to cut a little around the tube, and the controls now move freely. I will have to do a layup to repair the area around the tube.

[IMAGE] The rudder cables have been swaged onto the rudder pedals, (many thanks to Bryan Odell, who sent me his Nicopress tool) the conduit has been floxed onto the fuselage, and the cable run to the back of the plane. After I install the firewall, I will continue building the rudder controls and the aileron pushrods. (Check out the rudder pedals, I painted them red, just to give the project a little color. Painted the torque tubes yellow for the same reason).

[IMAGE] Floxed the Boston Gear into place. It holds the torque tubes in place at the firewall, while still allowing them to rotate. This was actually the third time I've done it to get it right

[IMAGE] I thought I was done with the controls for now, but upon another review of the plans, I see that there needs to be a cutout underneath the front control stick to allow for more left-right movement without hitting the side of the fuselage. I dremeled a hole in the side, sanded the foam down, floxed the inner rim of the hole, and layed up a BID square in there.

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