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Walter's Wenches In Waiting
Campaign 2000
'More SKINNER in Season 8'
A humble group of women have banded together on The X-Files Official Site and have become known as "Walter's Wenches In Waiting". We, with the help of many friends, have successfully lobbied and won a folder dedicated solely to our beloved Surly Pectoral God, Assistant Director Walter S. Skinner, and have since created a world all our own and the reputation as the most fun loving philes on the TXF message board.
To the dismay of W.W.I.W. memebers and many avid fans of the show, Season 7 of TXF proved ruefully short of Skinner moments, leaving us very unfulfilled. However, with the poignant position of A.D. Skinner in the season finale, and the promise of Season 8 with considerably less Mulder, we have been handed the perfect opportunity to make our wenchly voices heard!!! Let us join together and use the next several months to inundate 1013 Producations and Chris Carter with mail...letters, post cards, notes, email...whatever it takes to let our message be heard!!!!
STRATEGY #1 - Personal Letters
Being the devote wenches that we are, we should take the time on an individual basis to write a letter reflecting our personal feelings regarding our reasons for wanting to see more Skinner during Season 8 of the X-Files. It can be as short or long as you want, but it should expression your PASSION for THE MAN.
Mail it via 'sail mail' to the following addresses:
The X-Files
411 North Central
Suite 300
Glendale, CA 91203
Ten Thirteen Productions
STRATEGY #2 - Mass Mail In
With the help of Bard and Delphi Priestess, we have created several letter for mass mailing. Just CLICK HERE for a copy to print and mail.
STRATEGY #3 - Skinner Supporters' Soap Box Thread
Join in the thread that is being headed up by of our beloved wenches SWB and FoxPhile. It is located in the General Discussion folder of TXF Message Boards titled 'Skinner Summer Campaign Kickoff'. It is a place where we hope to accumulate nothing but mass numbers of posts showing support for our S.P.G. Skinner. You don't have to be a wench to join in...all X-Files fans are encouraged to participate.
STRATEGY #4 - Pester via e-mail.
I'm still looking for email addresses for 1013, Christ Carter and the Fox Network. Anybody have an idea where to find them? Let me know at: elishevatoews@hotmail.com.
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