The Temple of Skinner
Home of
Walter's Wenches In Waiting
This page is only temporary, but I wanted to
take a moment to thank my sister wenches and others
who so willingly gave of their time
and talents to help me realize this wenchly dream.
First, I'd
like to thank The Fox
Network, Chris
Carter, 1013
and Delphi Forums for
bringing us all together.
Mitch Pileggi
- Thanks for being such a superb actor, talent and general all
around nice guy. For having the humbleness not regard yourself
as a sex symbol...though we ALL KNOW YOU ARE!!!
Also, I'd like to thank your wife Arlene
and daughter Sawyer
for letting us have a little playtime with their main squeeze.
Samantha - Thanks for
ALWAYS being there...
And helping out with the History Page and proofing the site.
Have I told you today you're the best big sister in the world?
- Thanks for the GORGEOUS banner for the 'More SKINNER
in Season 8' campaign. Also for your contribution of 'Constance Velocity'
and penning the invitation to the site!
- Thanks for helping to proof the site as well...and not
going manic in the process!!!!!
amokeh and
Smiley - Thanks for
preparing the Wench Mission Statement
and Wench Goals...you've said it all SO WELL! Also amokeh
thanks for all your wonderful suggestions regarding the site in general and
furnishing the links to your wonderful web pages.
- Thanks for helping with the General Discussion thread and for
just being you and putting up with li'l old conservative me.
Thanks to EVERYONE
else that had contributed to this project. I'm
sure I've left someone out, so please forgive me in advance.
My brain is fried after several long nights of work
(and play) on this site. I've loved every minute of it!
Last, but not
certainly least, THANKS to Delphi
for always being the encouraging granny that she is
and for the wonderful songs for the mass mailing campaign.
All hail DP!
With all thanks given, I do have just a few more comments to add. This site will forever be under construction...your news, insights, prose, links (personal or just favorites), biographies, whatever...can be added at ANY TIME! Just send them to me via either my profile in TXF forum, email, or ICQ. I want to keep our world interesting, intriguing and hysterical all at once.
without further delay....DRUM ROLL PLEASE...step forward
and enter the