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Walter's Wenches In Waiting


Our Wenchly History

By Wench SamanthaJ3


Wench history had its *official* beginnings on April 22, 1994 when the first episode of "The X-Files" starring Mitch Pileggi as Assistant Director Walter S. Skinner made its appearance on the FOX network.  ( Tooms {aka Squeeze 2} - 1X20 )
Although the WWIW wasn't immediately organized, other groups (such as BRAWS) were quickly formed in appreciation of the surly, muscular actor who portrayed Mulder and Scully's new boss at the Bureau.
The next appearance of the Surly Pectoral God (SPG) came September 16, 1994 in the Season 2 Premiere, Little Green Men - 2X01.  This only served to increase the number of fans for the Assistant Director.
From there, Mitch Pileggi enjoyed a recurring role in the series, but he never appeared enough for his fans to fully fill satisfied.
Then, in November 1999, with the creation of a new 'official' X-Files message board from the FOX site, the WWIW had their humble beginnings on November 30 when two of the charter wenches, FoxPhile and SamanthaJ3 were discussing the Millennium (7X04) episode.  So much had been made of the New Year's Eve kiss between Mulder and Scully, but where was AD Skinner at that magical midnight hour?
So from a casual conversation and a fervent desire to make sure that THE MAN was not all alone on New Year's Eve 2000, FoxPhile and SamanthaJ3 decided to take matters into their own hands.  Immediately thereafter, the third charter wench, Jadzia, joined into the planning.
From this came the Skinner's Office New Year's Eve Party of 2000 thread on the Delphi/Prospero official FOX X-Files forum - to date, the longest thread ever allowed by the forum moderators.  From the party thread, the last two charter wenches,  Elisheva and Sara Kathryn Zeuty, emerged amidst the party planning.
And from these humble beginnings, the WWIW were born and became a household name.


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