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Walter's Wenches In Waiting



If you have news you would like added to this page, just drop your Wench Web Mistress a line at elishevatoews@hotmail.com, and she will happy bring it to the attention of the wenches.  Page will be updated upon notification of breaking story.

Unveiling of W.W.I.W. Web Page - June 9, 2000 - A Shinning Moment in History!! On this historic day, the Official Walter's Wenches In Waiting Site was unveiled to the world.  

Skinner Campaign 2000 - 'More SKINNER in Season 8!' June 9, 2000; the movement has begun!  In our love for Skinner, the wenches have begun their summer long campaign to drive CC and 1013 Productions insane by inundating them with letters, postcards, email and mass mailing.  We want our voices to be heard!!!  Come and join in our efforts!!!

Recent Inductees Welcome to the most recent converts to our ranks.  It's been a busy month. :)

           Skinnergirl - 1 June 2000

           2Shy - 3 June 2000

             KJB131064 - 9 June 2000

             Miss Wolve - 9 June 2000

Freezer Expansion Complete - The eargerly anticipated expansion of the W.W.I.W. Recreational Facility's freezer is now complete and in proper working order.  Now we have plenty of room to accommodated all wenches comfortably.  Just in time for the Wench Chat, nonetheless!!!! 

Wanted:  Wench Reporters - Wench Ellie is looking for help in bringing the world the latest on the S.P.G.  When a wench learns any of the latest details about THE MAN in RL or as Assistant Director Skinner, please notify the her immediately so this page can be updated.  BTW, this news page will NOT publish anything EXCEPT the truth, the half truth or  speculation.  However, there will be no spoilers or flames allowed. :)  (Y' know I LOVE THE MAN)


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