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Walter's Wenches In Waiting

Wenchly Tales, Poems and Fanfic


Here you will find some pretty wild wench tales, poetry and fanfic.  Just click on the link, grab your favorite refreshments and perhaps a bucket of ice just to cool off you Skinnerlust.


Wild Wench Tales:

           The Last Temptation of Delphi Priestess (PG-13) (so far?!) by Delphi Priestess:  After a long absence from her sister wenches due to technical difficulties, Delphi Priestess has returned with a vengeance!  Oh my gosh!!! Mulder has gone nuts and taken a hostage!!!


Wench Poetry:

       Ode to a Power Drill (PG-13) - by Elisheva A. Toews: I must say this one in written in a FoxPhile-esque style. I hope it make's her proud!  This little ditty came to me when reality and VR clashed and made some....well, in our hero Frohike's words...wierdness!

        A Man Named Walter (PG) - by Ta2Betty - a 'clean' limerick that pays tribute to our S.P.G.

        Duel of the Tushes (PG-13) - by Elisheva A. Toews:  There was a phase when the wenches were obsessed with writing poetry about the AD's tush.  This poem was born during that time.


Wench Fanfic:

       Onion Skinner (PG) -  by Forest Ranger and SamanthaJ3:  Zaney tale of our two Wench Agents, Assistant Director Skinner, Mulder and Scully searching for Milo....where is Milo anyway?

     Thirty-Five Cents (PG -13) -  by Elisheva A. Toews:  Vignette that takes place somewhere in the Delphi Zone.  AD Skinner and SAC Elisheva A. Toews from the Y-Files have a little escape in a phone booth with a little help from Delphi Priestess.

       Constance Velocity (PG -13) - by Bard:  Excerpt from the best selling Porn Again Classic.  Skinner has been a naughty boy....



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