Hope you enjoyed your visit. Let me know your opinion!

12/19/99 15:16:31
Name: Wesley S. Burt
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

John, Thanks for your reply of 12/19/1999 0:33:24 AM EST, "Three Steps, fixed." I have the attached file which opened ok with my MS WordPad program. I am still working on finding the formatting file . WordPad could not find it in my new directory C:\Wesburt\John O'Donnell> Your website is a scholarly piece of work with an admirable 60,000 + visitors. I have much more to read. My post "Re: please clarify Simple Solution," has evoked some flack and a few good responses like yours. I'll get back to you shortly. Thanks again for the confidence and exposure to the VRWC. Wesburt

05/22/99 05:45:05
Name: Hank miller Jr.
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Verry informative and it presented me with a new out look in general. I'll contact you at a later date due to being extremely busy,

02/10/99 04:56:00
Name: Tom J. Kenedy
My URL: Visit Me
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I invite readers of this message to visit this URL and learn about the concept of "interest-free" barter using an exchange currency which finctions with the LETS (Local Employment Trading System)software. The URL is: www.cyberclass.net/bartable.htm Working with you for "peace and plenty" by 2020 I AM Tom J. Kennedy www.cyberclass.net

02/04/99 18:26:02
Name: Jay Jay
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02/01/99 19:29:33
Name: Roy Neset
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11/14/98 20:17:05
Name: Burney
My URL: Visit Me
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Hi Jack, In general, you have a healthy perspective, however, the problem that I see with all of these politically correct or incoorrect sites is that they expect the cooperation of others to accomlish what we need to do for ourselves. It is quite possible for a human being to be a free, Sovereign, Judicial Power Occupant of the soil in America, even today. I am one of these Sovereigns. When I quit blaming the government, my eyes were opened to the way to become free. As long as I retained any contract with he governments, they controlled my every move. If you would like more information on a real, viable solution for the problems that are discussed in your website, please e-mail me at the above e-dress. Thanks, and my God bless. Burney

10/29/98 23:42:27
Name: Martin Hattersley
My URL: Visit Me
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A good beginning. As a lawyer who has to account for every penny in his trust acccount - and then place it in a bank which will have less than five cents cash to back that up, my chief beef is the racket that the modern banking system has become. My great ambition will be the day when banks pay the people for the privilege of creating dollars backed by the public credit, rather than expecting the people to willingly pay taxes to pay interest on the public debt. It would help the poor to get richer, and perhaps the rich to get a little poorer!

10/26/98 22:49:48
Name: Gary Sheler
My URL: Visit Me
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Jack--clearer than it's ever been in the beginning but still makes most people go glassy-eyed by the 2nd page or so. Wish there wass a way to do it with plain-talk humor so folks would A) pay attention B) read it all and C) enjoy doing it. Best explanati n yet and every time, I see something new it seems.--Gare

10/17/98 17:47:59
Name: Paula
My URL: Visit Me
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Are you sure you're a right-wing conservative? I considered myself to be a leftist, but we seem to have much in common. The Clintons are corporate hacks, just like Bush and Reagan, only they come a lot cheaper, I think. I liked your "Tax Privilage Not People" thing on pkt, that's why I came by. Capitalism doesn't come cheap, tax those who benifit the most. Too beaitiful today to stay in, but I'll be back for a better look. BTW, your list of orgs is teeming with Capital's flunkys. Later baby, pms EXPOSE CORPORATE SUBVERSION AND POLITICAL PUPPETS!

Cindy - 09/08/98 08:27:51
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page. :-) Thanks, Cindy

08/11/98 18:39:01
Name: Al Sheppard
My URL: Visit Me
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I still do not understand how trade deficits impact the financial system . What is the penalty in real terms ? Everybody seems to have their own version, none of which seems very convincing in the real world. (We know the national debt creates an interest penalty. What does a trade deficit create ? ) Anyway, thanks for the input. Shepp.

07/14/98 10:34:20
Name: Gennady Dehtiar
My URL: Visit Me
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I think i'm the first economist from Russia who made web-page at Geo and i like your page very much

06/24/98 19:59:14
Name: Garry James
My URL: Visit Me
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You assume because economists do not reply that you are correct. Have you ever thought that they're just laughing too hard to type?

06/19/98 04:49:50
Name: Hyman Blumenstock
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Your idea is analagous to trying to repair a fine watch with tools at the end of ten foot flexible poles. The basic and fundamental problem is feeding people. The tool to be used is FOOD and its delivery where everyone can enjoy his fill. With that come peace and contentment, and no further misery, crime, violence and war. Instead there will come an eager readiness for everyone to prove his value, at least to himself, and more often to the entire world. The intervention of Money is like those ten foot flexible poles that can NEVER ever fix a fine watch, or resolve the fundamental problem. We have to get off this money kick, most easily done by just creating enough to supply everyone and see that no one is shortchanged. Classic Inflation is a function f Inadequate Supply of Goods versus Demand, and Goods have Exceeded Demand for the last century. Hyman Blumenstock

05/28/98 20:40:07
Name: Tony
My URL: Visit Me

Banner surf'n and caught your wave .
Email Me @ alligator77002@geocities.com
Visit me @ /Area51/Shire/9166 :)

04/27/98 06:15:47
Name: Daniel
My URL: Visit Me
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Interesting web page... good! :)

04/23/98 12:19:39
Name: Ed Dodson
My URL: Visit Me
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On, "A New Economics" John, you conclude, I gather, that government has a legitimate role in the system of exchange by means of managing the money supply. I would argue that if government has a role that role is to perform audits that of private entities chartered to act as ba ks of deposit, where supplies of precious metals (and, perhaps, other appropriate commodites) are held as collateral for circulating notes and/or electronic debit card systems, etc. Sound money is only possible with the elimination of the power of government to self-create credit through monopoly powers to issue notes as legal tender -- notes that have no specific collateral and, therefore, are inherently fraudulent.

04/11/98 06:14:44
Name: Heather
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You have a really great page. Ever think of adding some graphics or something to back it a bit more appealing to the eye? Just a thought. Have a nice day. : )

04/09/98 06:59:34
Name: John Sullivan
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Working on my MBA and getting a good dose of economic theory and found out that it is not much of a science, I sum up my feelings about it in this joke: An engineer, a physicist, and economist were stranded on a desert island only only had a can of beans to eat and nothing that could be used to open it. The physicist said "Lets put the can out in the sun and the heat will cause the contents to expand and burst open the can" The engineer replied "No, that would waste too much of the beans, I can open the can by calculating the fall of the can from that tree to that rock below and cut a neat slit down the side" The economist said "I have a better idea, assume we have a can opener..."

01/24/98 06:48:02
Name: Modjeskis' Society
My URL: Visit Me
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Braverly, without a shy, the "hollyland" has been dedicated to American patriots. It is a must lecture. Thanks for concern - Publisher

01/02/98 11:13:39
Name: marvin jones
My URL: Visit Me


11/29/97 22:29:55
Name: Ken Kerns
My URL: Visit Me
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Take a look at my URL. It's Cyberia, a new virtual country who is looking for a Ministry of Treasury, which I think your expertise would help us greatly in. I liked you study of economics.

10/18/97 03:45:04
Name: Scott Simpson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

thanks for your insightful remarks on pkt. I look forward to studying your paper on the three steps and hope to gain a better understanding of the economic alternative that exist. Scott Simpson

09/23/97 16:39:23
Name: Leticia Arroyo Abad
My URL: Visit Me
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09/09/97 04:20:01
Name: Herb
My URL: Visit Me
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An econometrist! Who would have thought it? Checked out the Menahem site too.. been thinking about moving assets offshore for some time. Herb, ytriples

09/09/97 04:23:30
Name: Herb
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

An econometrist! Who would have thought it? Checked out the Menahem site too.. been thinking about moving assets offshore for some time. Herb

08/21/97 07:47:21 GMT
Name: G.Rugalema
My URL: Visit Me
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Interesting stuff.

08/14/97 04:19:00 GMT
Name: Zak Klemmer
My URL: Visit Me
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Have you checked out CATO? or Free-market.com Nice site, cheers, Zak

08/10/97 23:36:27 GMT
Name: Zak Klemmer
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I just joined the CapHill Ring & thought I'd pay you a visit. Cheers, Zak

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