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Lake Murray Visitor Center

Our state waterways are one of South Carolina’s most valued resources. Millions of dollars are spent each year on water recreation from both the tourist trade as well as our own residents. Our organization was formed in part to represent the citizens of South Carolina with regard to boating safety issues and communicate these concerns to our elected officials. After reviewing our state’s current boating laws, we found vast discrepancies in numerous sections of our laws when compared to the same violations committed on our highways. This sends the wrong message and does not act as a sufficient deterrent by not having equal penalties for persons who disregard public safety on our waterways. 

For additional information on our organization, you can visit our web-site at Our site has newspaper articles and editorials on this year’s Senate Subcommittee hearings on boating safety from major newspapers papers around our state. We also have on-line video of the speakers from these hearings on our webpage. 

Citizens Concerned for Boating Safety
Lexington, South Carolina


If you have comments, please E-mail

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for the People of Irmo, SC