Welcome to Indonesia Watch!
You are entering the domain of Indonesia in this quiet corner of vast internet. Do you know where is Indonesia? Indonesia is a beautiful tropical country with thousand islands located between Asia and Australia continent. As you may know, Indonesia is a developing country dominated with poor Indonesian people.
In this site you can find some information about situation that happen in Indonesia. Recently we have new president, B.J. Habibie replacing Suharto, after his 35 years presidency. The power handover also triggered by student and people demonstration in Jakarta during May 1998.
We try to reveal this baseless accusation of Indonesian atrocities and gang-raped toward Chinese women during that time supported by fake internet pornographic hardcore photos. Recently, many revelation and further evidence proofed that those gang-raped rumour are factless rumour and issue. We regret all of the internet conspiracy that create hatred toward Indonesia. Let's work together to solve this case with sounding facts without hatred until the truth revealed.
The important development in Indonesia is the revelation of killing fields in Aceh and Lampung during Suharto's era supported by his military groups. The Indonesian authority already dig the mass grave to prove the Acehnese killing fields. In financial news, 203 corrupt bankers from Indonesia should responsible for bankruptcy of Indonesian banking business.
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