M.E. & FM Manual --Main
Improvements and comments E-Mail
Updated 97/08
14. Newsletters & Organizations
1) ** There are many organizations that can help you find information or resources on M.E.
or F.M. Many of these groups produce monthly or quarterly newsletters to keep their
membership informed on current research, new treatments, etc. {PO}{My suggestion is that
you get the membership for your local organization first, then determine what your budget will
allow for any other subscriptions}. Several organizations will allow you to purchase back
issues of their newsletters; some will send you free copies of their newsletters if you are
unable to pay for a subscription. Each of these organizations work hard at promoting the
awareness of M.E. and F.M. If you call these organizations, remember that return calls are
staffed by fellow sufferers, so please allow extra time for them to get back to you.
2)** Subscribing . You have many options to subscribe to these
organizations: E-mail via Internet, fax with a subscription; phone with a charge card, or write
to them.
3)** Advocacy Access. Phone #872- 1278; 1-800-663-1278.
4)**A.F.M.S.A. (American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association)
P.O. Box 9699
Bakersfield, CA
A.F.M.S. Association quarterly newsletter, $35 annual membership fee.
5)** The Allergy and Environmental Health Association
P.O. Box 871
Cambridge, Ontario
N1R 5X9
6)** A.N.Z.M.E. (New Zealand) Inc.
P.O. Box 36 307
New Zealand
Subscription/membership fees are $41(Cdn.) per year, which includes the quarterly journal
7)** The B.C. Allergy Association #877-2255.
8)** The B.C. Coalition of People with Disabilities
#204, 456 West Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Y 1R3
Phone #875-0188/ fax #875-9227/ #1-800-663-1278
Annual membership fee of $10 includes the "Transition" magazine, 8 times yearly.
9)** B.C. Medical Association
1807 West 10th
Vancouver, B.C.
Phone #736-5551/ 1-800-665-2262.
10)** Canadian Chronic Fatigue Association
562 Ashfield Court
Pickering, Ontario
L1V 4Y3
(No response was received after I wrote letter to them)
11)** Canadian Mental Health Phone #1-800-268-0999, ext 32. They have a
good booklet (free) that describes depression.
12)** CDC - National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of Viral Diseases
Building 6, Room 120
Atlanta, GA
13)** CFIDS Association Inc.
(Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome)
P.O. Box 220398
Charlotte, N.C.
Phone #1-800-442-3437 or #1-900-988-2343 (recorded message $1/minute) Annual
membership fee $35 US (This is the largest non-profit organization in the world promoting
knowledge of M.E.) They have a separate phone line as well as a pamphlet designed
especially for physicians. CFIDS Association produces The CFIDS Chronicle, the largest
M.E. publication in the world, and represents over 23,000 members (Nov/93)
a)** Support Network of America. The CFIDS Association has created a network for
support group leaders and organizations. #940806-74.
Support Network of America
P.O. Box 220398
Charlotte, North Carolina
14)**CFIDS Buyer's Club
1187 Coast Village Road, #1-280
Santa Barbara, CA
Phone #1-800-366-6056. This organization is run by the CFIDS Association and sells
vitamins at a discounted price, with all profits going to M.E. research.
15)** CFIDS Foundation
965 Mission Street #425
San Francisco, CA
Phone (415) 882-9986
(no longer operating 95/08/23)
16)** CFIDS Pathfinder
P.O. Box 2644
Kingston, MD
Phone #(301) 530-8624
CFIDS Pathfinder to Information is a compre-hensive collection of materials in a binder
format, with an Addendum purchased separately. ($21, Addenda $12) #950102. This is a
useful up-dateable loose-leaf book that will explain how to gain access to computer bulletin
boards on M.E./C.F.S., obtain theses, government documents and the veritable storehouse of
information available to the medical and interested public. Highly recommended for all
support groups, physicians, researchers, librarians and the general public interested in
17)** CFIDS Society International
P.O. Box 230108
Portland, OR
(No response was received after I wrote a letter to them)
18)** CFS DysPATCH
997 J Dodds Blvd, #811
Mt. Pleasant, Sc
(Phone (803) 881-0216) Cost is $17 per year, and includes the bi-monthly newsletter.
19)** CFS Foundation
10 Wild Partridge Court
Greensboro, NC
20)** CFS Youth Outreach (CYO) Send a self-addressed envelope to:
CFS Youth Outreach
c/o Sharon Walk
14 Shetland Road
Florham Park, New Jersey
Donation of $10 appreciated. #94021
CFS Youth Outreach produces a quarterly newsletter with a penpal club, produced by a 19
year old for children with M.E.
21)** Chemical Hypersensitivity Association of Ontario
Box 1250
Toronto, Ontario
M4P 3E4
22)** Cheney Research Clinic
10620 Park Road, #234
Charlotte, NC
Phone (704) 542-7444
23)** Children with CFIDS
c/o Tara Allan
245 Spring Street, SW
Concorde, NC
USA 28025
#941102-72 $30 per year membership fee, quarterly newsletter.
24)** Council of Canadians With Disabilities, "A Voice of Our Own".
#926 - 294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0B9
Phone (204) 947-0303/ fax (204) 942-4625.
Internet CCD@magic.mb.ca
Produces a newsletter.
25)** DAWN Canada (Disabled Women's Network)
#408 - 3637 Cambie Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Z 2X3
Phone #873-1564
26)** Ecological Health Alliance
1019 Lodge Avenue
Victoria, B.C.
V8X 3B1
Phone 384-8892 or 658-2914 #940807
An allergy, food and environmental health quarterly newsletter; $15 annual membership fee.
27)** Electronic Newsletters & Computers - refer to "Books, Videos and
Computer Links", Chapter 12.
28)** Environmental Health Network
for Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
29)** Federal Health Department
Medical Devices Hotline
1-800-267-9675 (Ontario)
30)** Fibromyalgia Society of B.C. (FMBC)
P.O. Box 15455
Vancouver, B.C.
V6B 5B2
phone #430-6643.
Membership $20 per year. They have monthly information meetings, and produce a quarterly
newsletter. Several informative books and videos are listed in the back of their newsletters.
Produces 1,100 copies of their newsletter (95/10).
31)** Fibromyalgia Network
5700 Stockdale Hwy, #100
Bakersfield, CA
Produce a quarterly newsletter
32)** Greensboro CFS Foundation Inc.
10 Wild Partidge CT
Greensboro, NC
Phone #1-800-597-4237 (Canada No, US ?)
33) ** Inflammatory Bowel Disease ?
34)** International Coalition of Long-term (10+) CFIDS/ME Patients. As
you know, many articles and reports claim that people recover from this disease within 2 to 6
years. This organization is trying to obtain statistics on patients ill for longer than 10 years
and want to hear from you who fall in that category. Please contact:
Maggie McKenzie
171 Naubuc Avenue
East Hartford, CT
Phone (203) 56904091
Robert Fontanetta
257 - 20 Hillside Avenue
Floral Park, NY
Phone (718) 347-4509
35)** International Federation of M.E. Association (IFMEA) collects and
disseminates medical information.
c/o Dr. Goudsmit, director,
23 Melbourne Road
Teddington, Middex
Tw11 9QX
United Kingdom
(Currently this organization sends information only to physicians)
36)** Journal of CFS or the Journal of Muscular Skeletal Pain #940802-3;
#94017-4. This is the first peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal for Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome. Cost is $28 (US) per year (includes four issues). They have a large listing of
other books they produce listed in the back of each issue. Both journals are published by:
Haworth Medical Press
10 Alice Street
Binghamton, New York
Phone #1-800-342-9678/ fax #1-607-722-6362
37)** Lyme Borreliosis Society
P.O. Box 91535
West Vancouver, B.C.
V5K 3P2
38)** Lupus of America Phone #1- 800-558-0121
39)** M.E. Canada
#400 - 246 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5E4
fax #(613) 567-0614/office (613) 563-1565.
Internet access tharvey@hookup.net
Compuserve access 73203.1162@compuserve.com
Annual membership fee of $35 includes subscription to the monthly "Messenger" newsletter.
40)** M.E./F.M. Action Network
3836 Carling Avenue, Hwy 17B
Nepean, Ontario
K2H 7V2
Phone (613) 829-6667
Contact Person: Lydia Nielson
Produces a very good condensed newsletter 6 times per year.
41)** M.E. Ontario
90 Sheppard Avenue East
Suite 108
North York, Ontario
M2N 3A1
(416) 222-8820/ fax (416) 224-2181
42)** Medical Library
8th & Hemlock
Vancouver, B.C.
43)** MESH (M.E. Self Help) Ottawa
c/o Hintonberg Community Centre
1064 Wellington
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 2Y3
44)** The M.E. Society of B.C. (M.E.B.C.)
P.O. Box 462, 916 W. Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Z 1K7
Phone (604) 526-3993
$15 annual membership fee - M.E.B.C. puts on seminars (several are on video in the
"M.E./F.M. Library Materials"), produces a quarterly M.E. newsletters, advertises, supplies
information packages for your doctor and for CPP applications, promotes awareness of M.E.
M.E.B.C. helps the 37 support groups in B.C.
45)** The Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Fibromyalgia Society of Alberta
(formerly M.E. Society of Calgary)
Box 30402
1323N 6455 MacLeod Trail, SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2H 2W2
Phone #(403) 248-7773/ fax #(403) 260-7508
Annual membership fee is $12.00, which includes the quarterly newsletter "M.E. Update".
46)** M.E. Society of Edmonton
Box 465, Suite 21
1045 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 3S2
Phone (403) 944-0809
Quarterly newsletter "You M.E. & Us".
47)** M.E. Support Network
97 Haig Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Phone (204) 237-8038
48)** M.E. Victoria
RPO Fairfield Plaza
P.O. Box 50032
Victoria, B.C.
V8K 5L8
Phone # 975-3100 Toll free for B.C.
49)** Migraine Foundation,
120 Carlton Street, Suite 210,
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 4K2
Canada #941003-2
50)** Mood Disorder Support groups. Phone #873-0103. There are currently
40 support groups in B.C. for this condition.
51)** Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Stanhope House
High Street, Stanford le Hope
Essex SS17 OHA
United Kingdom
(0375) 642466/ fax #(0375) 360256
Annual membership fee for applicants outside the U.K. is 20 pounds in sterling cheque or
Bank Draft.
52)** NACPAC
(North American Chronic Pain Association)
Dr. Rick Edwards
#105 - 150 Central Park Drive
Brampton, Ontario
L6T 2T9
(Phone) (905) 793-5230/ fax (905) 793-8781/ 1-800-616- PAIN
53)** National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia Association
3521 Broadway, Suite 222
Kansas, MO
Phone #(404) 639-1388 or (404) 332-4557
(816) 931-4777
54)** National Information Centre for Children and Youth With Disabilities
P.O. Box 1492
Washington D.C.
NICCHY provides information for parents and children with M.E. & F.M. Phone
55)** National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Building 10, Room 7A-50
Bethesda, MD
Phone (301) 496-5717
56)** Newsletter Exchange Program:
Indiana CFS Association
810 N. Bancroft
Indianapolis, Indiana
46201 USA
Phone (317) 252-9223.
57)** The Nightingale Research Foundation
383 Danforth Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K2A 0E1
(613) 728-9643
$35 annual fee
58)** Northern Ontario Fibromyalgia Network Inc.
800 LaSalle Blvd, Suite 300
Sudbury, Ontario
P3A 4V4
Phone #(705) 560-4936
59)** Nutrition Hotline, Phone #1- 800-633-0445 or (913) 588-5350. This is
a grant-operated information line on nutrition and supplements operated by the University of
Kansas Medical Centre, Kansas City. It is open 10 am to 5 pm Central time #94027-43.
60)** Ontario Fibromyalgia Association
393 University Avenue
Suite 1701
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1E6
phone 416 979-7288
fax 416 979-8366
Tender Points published quarterly $17.00
61)** Pharmaceutical Association of Canada provides a free newsletter,
medical record kit, and information on drugs. Phone 1-800-363-0203.
207 West Hastings Street, Suite 510
Vancouver, B.C.
V6B 1H7
(604) 684-4148/ fax (604) 684-6247
Contact Guy Innis (604) 684-4148.
Physical Medicine Research Foundation (PMRF) Branch in Vancouver has monthly support
group meetings.
63)** Post-Polio Awareness Society of B.C.
P.O. Box 6579, Depot #1
Victoria, B.C.
V8P 5N7
Office (604) 477-8244/ Editor (604) 477-6546
$10 per year membership fee, quarterly newsletter. This organization has 40 support groups
in B.C.
64)** Rescind Inc.
127 West Putnam Avenue, #170
5 Greenwich, CT
Fax #(203) 531-4135 Internet E-Mail m.straznitsk@genie.geis.com
65)** Seattle F.M. Group
P.O. Box 77373
Seattle, WA
Phone (206) 362-2310
Produce a quarterly newsletter.
66)** Self-Help Resources Association (SHRA)
#303, 1212 West Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
V6H 3V1
SHRA produces a quarterly newsletter, and helps train support group leaders or helpers,
providing seminars, support and resource materials that are common to the support groups,
a disability brochure) so that each group or association doesn't "re-invent the wheel".
67)** Sleep Disorders of B.C.
P.O. Box 80127
Burnaby, B.C.
V5H 3X5
68)** UBC Medical Library.
69)** Well Spouse Foundation
P.O. Box 2887
San Diego, CA
produces a newsletter 6 times per year, with an annual membership fee of $15. They have
2,800 members. #93022-34
End of Chapter
M.E. & FM Manual --Main
Updated 97/02