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WILLIAM SAFFIRE- Nixon is like a seven layered cake, he had at least 7 different sides, the kind one, the political one, the bad one, the family one. They were the only ones I knew.

JOHN ERLICHMAN- Beware of people who when asked about Nixon give you a one liner. Not even 50 lines are enough to describe him

CHUCK COLSON - I saw the good side of Nixon which was very good. I also saw the bad side which was very bad. I would consider Nixon as my friend.

GARY WILLS (author Nixon Agonistes) one feels embarassed to see the dog which you kicked yesterday.

SHANE SINCLAIR (author of this website) Nixon was truly an amazing character, the good and bad, and he did have an excellent good side to him. To keep going from grocers boy to President of the US and from disgraced former President to dignified statesman with thousands at his funeral is testament to his character. If only Richard Nixon was British!

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