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Charles P. Kelly | Chair |
Vice Chair |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Commissioner |
Commissioner |
Commissioner |
Commissioner |
Commissioner |
Economic and Community DevelopmentStaff
City Hall, 253 Main Street Ansonia,CT
Claude L. Perry, Sr. | Executive Director |
Personnel/Administrative Assistant |
Community Development Specialist |
Hours and Phone Number
Monday thru Wednesday: | 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. | Thursday: | 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. |
Phone Number: | 203.736.5930 |
Fax Number: | 203.735.5422 |
Email: | clpsr@ix.netcom.com |
The Ansonia Economic Development Commission(AEDC)
will meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall, 253 Main Street, Ansonia.
Contact Ms. Edith Morales at 203.736.5930 for information.
AEDC is a municipal commission with appointed members who facilitate the process of improving Ansonia's economic base. AEDC was established by ordinance in 1978 in response to the economic decline and high unemployment affecting the region. Its mission was to stimulate job creation and investment in Ansonia and, as a result, promote economic expansion within the region. The Commission also focused on such region-wide issues as education, job retention, child care, transportation, infrastructure, etc.
AEDC is also a member of Team Connecticut, a state program that involves local entities in development efforts designed to boost the state economy. As such, AEDC serves as the designated municipal contact for state and local agencies involved in economic and community development efforts.
Reorganized in 1996 by Mayor Nancy Valentine and the Board of Aldermen, the AEDC is establishing a wide-range development strategy. Funding is provided through municipal appropriations, local and state contracts for services, and grants. Programs are being implemented to encourage and aid local business expansions, create new business starts,attract compatible new businesses, and promote a healthy, diversified business climate in Ansonia .
Economic and community development strategy is guided by a nine (9)-member Board and operates on a day-to-day basis by staff professionals. Representing business, labor, education, communityand environmental interests, members are appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Board of Aldermen.
The AEDC has three full-time staff members, including an Executive Director and two (2) assistants. The Executive Director, Claude L. Perry, Sr., manages the day-to-day activities of the AEDC, has administrative responsibilities (e.g., record-keeping, preparation for meetings, data collection, program planning, employer contact, etc.); responsible for the administration of funds, contract negotiations and compliance, executing all projects of the AEDC, and carrying out the provisions of policy.
For more information on these programs and services,contact the AEDC staff by telephone at 203.736.5930 or by fax at 203.735.5422 or email:clpsr@ix.netcom.com or visit the AEDC offices at City Hall, Lower-level, 253 Main Street in Ansonia, CT 06401. Office hours are 8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The City of Ansonia applied for five (5) grants under the 1998 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) in the amount of $1,500,000.00. We were awarded $500,000.00.
The $500,000.00 awarded will be used as follows:
$100,000.00 - This project funding will continue the development of the ABC to install two fire egress stairs serving all four floors of the Palmer building and to renovate and fix-up tenant offices within the ABC. Installation of fire egress stairs is a prerequisite to getting a certificate of occupancy and being able to occupy the Small Business Center, which has already been funded (CDBG 1995 and 1997). The request was $100,000.00.
$400,000.00 - This project funding will be used by the Main Street Development Corporation (MSDC) for ADA Accessibility. An innovative, city sponsored, non-profit, mixed use $3,500,000.00 plus downtown building. It will provide ADA accessibility by installing elevators to serve 21,160 sq. ft. of third and fourth floor space for housing, 18,063 sq. ft. of commercial space on the first and second floors will also benefit by the proposed installation of elevators under this grant request. The request was $500,000.00.
The program activities ($1,000,000.00) that were not awarded are summarized as followings:
$300,000.00 - Housing Rehabilitation.Continuation of deferred loan program to rehabilitate 18 units of low-and-moderate income (LMI) housing located throughout the City of Ansonia. This program is designated for code repairs, weatherization, and for removing blighting influences within Ansonia's neighborhoods to improve the health, safety and welfare of its income creating LMI residents. 150 individuals are currently on a list of persons interested in participating in this program.
$200,000.00 - Proposed Youth Center and Multi-Generational Computer Learning Lab.The City would begin development of a 10,000-sq. ft. vacant space in the Palmer building into a Youth Center and Multi-Generational Learning Lab. Once constructed the Center will be staffed and operated by Youth Services Bureau (YSB), an experienced non-profit your services provider. YSB is an existing, municipality funded program which will service a targeted LIM youth population within the City.
$400,000.00 - Ansonia Opera House Proposed Exterior Renovation and Code Compliance Work.Exterior Restoration and ADA improvements to the oldest opera house in Connecticut will create mixed used retail and office business occupancies and build upon market success of adjacent $3,500,000 plus, mixed-use rehab of six historic properties on Main Street.
$100,000.00 - Main Street Development Corporation. Funded in part as previously described.
The City was awarded a 1997 Small Cities Grant in the amount of $87,000.00. All of the paper work has been completed and the city has received a "Release of Funds" letter from DECD. This project funding will continue the development of the Ansonia Business Center (ABC), LMI jobs through incentives offered to small businesses for locating in the ABC. A total of 3 additional LMI jobs will be created to the ongoing project, for a total of 23 new LMI jobs created.
The City of Ansonia applied for but was not awarded grant in 1996 because we did not meet the threshold on spending our previous grants.
We are currently working on our 1995 Grant which will provide an incubator, "Ansonia Business Center (ABC)" on the second floor of the Palmer Building. Our consultant along with this office submitted a "Sources and Uses of Funds Document", signed by both EDC and the City as we were requested by DECD. The Alderman voted not to take the Gold Brick Building down, and DECD approved the revised project plan. We are preparing to go out to bid. We have $306,000.00 in this grant. This grant works in conjunction with $225,000.00 from the Renaissance Project.
SMALL CITIES '92 and '93
The 1992/1993 Grant was used for design and construction of the Doyle Senior Center. In the past the City rented space for the seniors, and now they have a place of their own. In addition, the 1992/1993 Grant completed 13 units for decent and safe housing for LMI residents, and provided a portion of the funding for an elevator at the Birmingham Group Building. The total grant for these years was $856,196.00. We expended a total of $836,435.91. Because the Senior Center Project came in underbid, we returned $19,760.09 to the Department of Economic and Community Development, as directed by the Mayor. This account is now closed. DECD did a final Closeout Audit and we are waiting for a Closeout letter.
The 1991 Grant was successful in renovating twenty-six residential units. The purpose of the program was to provide decent and safe housing for the LMI residents. The total grant for this project was $400,000.00. We completed program activities and expended $336,750.61. Because there were only hard cost monies left and no program cost money, the EDC returned the balance of the monies in the amount of $63,249.39 back to the Department of Economic and Community Development in April 1997, as directed by the Mayor. DECD did a final Closeout Audit and we are waiting for a Closeout letter.
The fund balance that was reprogrammed to do Citywide curb cuts has been completed. The 1990 Small Cities Grant was for $400,000.00. All funds have been expended and the account closed. The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) did a final Closeout Audit and we are waiting for a Closeout letter.
The Ansonia Redevelopment Agency applied for and administered the State-funded Public Investment Program. The total amount of the grant was $39,785.00. The purpose of the program was to provide a matching grant for businesses located in Ansonia to do exterior renovations with a matching grant up to $3,000.00. The program also provided seed moneyto the Downtown Merchants Association as well as funding 18 renovation projects. We have expended a total of $39,785.00, and this project is now closed. DECD did a final Closeout Audit and we are waiting for a Closeout letter.
The total of the 1995 Grant was $70,261.00. The purpose of the Grant was to help the Domestic Violence Program with $3,000.00 and the balance of $67,261.00 was to be used to do City Curb cuts supervised by Public Works Department. The job was completed underbid and the AEDC returned the unexpended $422.87 to the DECD. This account is now closed.. DECD did a final Closeout Audit and we are waiting for a Closeout letter.
This grant from DECD was for $500,000.00. $225,000.00 was budged to do City wide Facade work for businesses, with a matching grant of up to $15,000.00 for each business. We have assisted 31 businesses for a total of $468,055.00 of which the City's share was $208,032.00. This portion of the grant is completed and the balance of $16,968.00 was added to the $225,000.00 budged to install an elevator in the Palmer Building. The EDC and City reached an agreement for "Sources and Uses of funds, as directed by DECD, and submitted to DECD for their approval. Since the submission the Board of Aldermen voted not to demolish the Gold Brick Building. We received approval from DECD to proceed with this project and are preparing to put it out to bid.
The Fountain Lake Project is no longer overseen by this EDC. This Agency submitted a final audit to DECD on May 1997 and we have closed out the checking account.We have a balance for Phase I of the Fountain Lake Project in the Reich and Tang (Depository for State Funds), which is only used when authorized by DECD. We are prepared for our final audit and Closeout.
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