The Devil's Advocate
A Conservative Liberalist's View

MEN: Who Are They?

   They're MEN, America's largest oppressed minority. And whoever said that they rule the world, couldn't have been one.
   Men have such a hard life that they die an average of 8 years earlier than women. They are 3 times more likely to be murdered, and have a much higher incidence of heart attacks, AIDS and cancer.
   More men suffer from homelessness. In many cities, homeless men outnumber the women 10 to 1, but it's the women and children who get the public's sympathy and attention.
   Only men can be drafted -- forced to go to war, kill and be killed.
   Women can choose to have a career or not, but men are expected to bring in money. That's why in ghetto neighborhoods where there are no jobs, men become criminals and drug dealers.
   A man's most innocuous remark can be construed as sexual harassment; his most tenous advance can be called rape. But men are expected to accept any and all derogatory comments from women without question. And are chastised for reporting any incidents of sexual harassment. Society has even gone as far as labeling male sexual harassment as "...reverse sexual harassment", a blatant example of the unfairness men are forced to deal with daily. Yet whenever women want sex, men are expected to perform. Unlike women, men can't fake it.
   Our society does not allow men to cry. Instead, they are forced to repress their emotions, an unhealthy practice that can lead to mass murders, ulcers, heart disease and cancer.
   Men are subjected to barbaric practices that would be condemned if perpetrated on any other group. Feminists demonstrate against ritual violence to women, for example, but no one protests the ritual violence that young male babies are subjected to everyday: circumcision. It's another sad reminder of how men's pain is trivialized in our society.
   Men must follow a dress code that is at once puritanically rigid and sexually exploitative. At work, they must obey the most restrictive rules; suits and ties, no loud colors or fashion.
   Men kill themselves at a much higher rate than women.With all their responsibilities and the criticism they get for merely behaving the way they were taught, is it any wonder that for them, life is often not worth living?
   Please give your time and attention to the fight for Men's Rights. After all, we'll never change society until we change things for Men.

They're 48% of the population and they need your help!

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*CONSERVATIVE LIBERAL: A Conservative Liberal is one who does not tolerate the inefficient practices of our Government, Corporate America and Society of today. They refuse to let others desecrate human respect, the enviroment and the ethics and morals taught to children. All humans are equal regardless of religion, ethnic background or sexual preferences as it is everyone's responsibility to help change the way society respect's itself and the enviroment. A Conservative Liberal refuses to "keep quiet" and will respectfully bring to attention any injustices done to any individual or the environment. But will not vehemently sway or persuade one to their view as respect for another human's rights and opinions is the most important thing. Each person DOES make a difference.

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