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Too much personal space
Relentless Media
Out of ammo already?!!
Ballooning with the best
Golfing with the pro's
Bill Clinton dreams of his childhood
Monica speaks!
Y2K Get a grip!
Clinton does "The People's Business"
It will never be over
Don't cry for me Bill and Hillary
The Framers true intent
The President's defense
State of the Union sales pitch
House managers make their case
Weather watcher
Clinton bombs Iraq
Henry Hide corners Bill Clinton
Statistical Sampling for the 2000 Census applied to every day life
Santa asks Bill Clinton what he wants for Christmas
Furby speechifies Ken Starr
Bill Clinton learns the definition of a lie
The American People talk back
Newt Gingrich skips town
Computer Networking...History 101
Monica Lewinsky testifies before Congress
John Glenn, The back seat flier
F.D.R. Memorial...A return to soup lines?
Al Gore pickets the White House
Presidential radio addresses
Clinton calls Saddam sweetie
Lower interest rates means lets go shopping!
Uncle Sam punishes Clinton
Stock market losses hurts rich guy
Forming lines for impeachment hearings
Ma and Pa talk about sexgate
Clinton needs a fund raiser for a vacation
Baby boomer Mausoleum
The internet switchboard
Buddy gets Clinton the wrong paper
Clinton is "The king of the world"
Christmas crowds out Thanksgiving holidays