The European Association on Trauma and Emergency Surgery (E.A.T.E.S.) was born in 1993 as an evolution of the Committee for the International Congress of Emergency Surgery that had been active in Europe for twenty years.
The aims of the new Association (to date listing members from fifty-five countries) include not only organization of congresses but also education, training, and organization in trauma and emergency surgery, supported by a new journal, "The European Journal of Emergency Surgery and Intensive Care", (published by Masson, fax ++39-2-27074210).
National chapters have been already constituted in many European countries. Many countries of eastern Europe are joining the Association with active and creative partecipation: this suggest that a solid scientific and accademic "bridge" between eastern and western world in the trauma and emergency surgery fields has been established .
A flow of manuscripts is continuously submitted for publication to the Journal's International Editorial Board in which more than thirty countries are represented.
We ask you and yours colleagues, either from overseas countries or not, to consider the opportunity to become member of E.A.T.E.S. (only the filling of an informal E-mailed application letter specifying the would-be member's title, Academical and professional position is requested).
No membership-fee is applied until 1998. During the 2nd E.A.T.E.S. Congress (Athens, Greece, October 1 to 4 1997; President Prof. G. Androulakis, fax ++30-1-4924449, organizing agency Triaena fax ++30-1-13607962; E-mail, the General Assembly will decide a new establishment and some changes in order to power and to make more active the Association.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or by fax (++39-50-550593) you are welcome.
Very friendly
Enrico Cavina, M.D., F.A.C.S. President E.A.T.E.S. 1993-1997