Welcome to my homepage. Here you can find information and links related to Marxism, Racism and Africa, as well as general research links.
in English:
- Trotskyist
Statecaps: Socialist Worker, International Socialist Review (ISO-US), Socialist Review and International Socialism Journal (SWP-UK), Marxist Interventions, Proletarian Revolution/Socialist Voice (LRP-US)
LRCI (split from SWP-UK): Workers Power (UK), Trotskyist International
ICL (Spartacists), The Internationalist (League for the Fourth International, ICL split), Marxist Bulletin (IBT),
RCG: Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (split from SWP-UK)
USec: International Viewpoint, Revolutionary Marxism, Socialist Outlook,
DSP(Australia): Green Left Weekly
LIT (Morenist): Socialist Voice
ICU (Lutte Ouvriere): The Spark, Workers Fight
Ted Grant tedency: In Defence of Marxism, Socialist Appeal
CWI: Socialism Today
ICFI: World Socialist Web Site; WRP
- The Militant (SWP-US),
- WWP: Workers World (split from SWP-US led by Sam Marcy)
- Labor Standard (split from SWP-US led by Frank Lovell)
- Socialist Action (US) (split from SWP-US led by Nat Weinstein)
Shachtmanite: New Politics
- Maoist/Hoxhaist: Revolutionary Democracy, Revolutionary Worker (RCP-US), New Worker, People's Tribune, People's Democracy (CPI(M)), Workers Daily (RCP-ML, UK), LALKAR
- Regroupment: Against the Current, New Socialist
- Marxist-Humanism: News and Letters
- Traditionalist: Guardian, AWL (CPA), Red Net News
- Governing Communist Parties:
- SACP: African Communist, Umsebenzi
- Vietnam:
- China:
- Korea:
in German:
- PDS: PDS-Pressedienst, Disput, Mitteilungen der Kommunistischen Plattform
- PDS leaning: ak, soz, Sozialismus
- Traditionalist: Unsere Zeit, Zirkular
- Eurocommunist: Vorwärts (PdA)
- Left Socialdemocrats: spw
- Troskyite: Inprekorr, avanti, Was Tun, Der Funke (Germany), Der Funke (Austria), gleichheit, Vorwärts (SLP, Austria), Soziale Politik und Demokratie
- State-Caps: Klassenkampf, Linksruck
- Maoist: Rote Fahne (MLPD)
- Hoxhaist: Roter Morgen (KPD), Roter Morgen (KPD/ML), Der Weg der Partei (KPD/ML)
- Autonomous: Der Revolutionäre Funke, Bahamas, Kalaschnikow, Krisis, Telegraph, trend, Context XXI, Arranca (FelS), Sozialistische Positionen
- ICL: Klassenkampf
- Anarchist: Wildcat
Directories of left organizations:
Soman's Revolutionary Socialist Links Page: Trotskyist, Leninist, Maoists/Ex-Maoists
Leftist Parties of the World: Trotskyist, Leninist, Maoists/Ex-Maoists
Jay's Leftist and 'Progressive' Internet Resources: Marxism and Socialism
- Mailinglists
Marxism Mailing List: 1998 archives, 1999 archives
Leninist-International: archive (from July 2000)
Lists at colorado edu:
- Usenetgroups
- Personal pages:
- B: Martin Blumentritt, Andy Blunden, Gerhard Branstner
- E: Einde O’Callaghan
- F: Peter Feist, Duncan Foley, Andre Gunder Frank, Michael Friedrich, Georg Fülberth
- G: Gitti Götz, Loren Goldner, John Hunter Gray
- H: Jim Heartfield
- L: Markus Lauber
- M: Robert Malecki, Fred Mosley, Bill Mandel
- P: Louis Proyect
- R: Steve Rosenthal
- S: Martin Shaw, Helena Sheehan
- T: Fritz Teppich, Oliver Tolmein
- V: Rolf Vorhaug
- Left-wing portals
in English:
ZNet, IGC Progressive Gateway, Ganashakti Portal, tidsskriftcentret.dk
in German:
nadir, REVOLTE.net, PARTISAN.net, GLASNOST, Nadeshda, DIE LINKE SEITE, Raben Net, Linksnet
Grüne Kiegstreiber: The evolution of a pacifist party into advocats of war (first published in Internationaler Sozialismus Nr. 9).
- Anti-Racist groups:
- Europe: UNITED for Intercultural Action, Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe, Youth Against Racism in Europe
- Germany: VVN-BdA, kein mensch ist illegal, PRO ASYL, Bürgerinitiative Asyl Regensburg, Karawane für die Rechte von Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen, AKTION COURAGE e.V. - SOS Rassismus, Antirassismusbüro Bremen, Informationsverbund Asyl, AK Asyl Rheinland-Pfalz, Polnischer Sozialrat e.V. - Berlin, BIFF, Antifaschistische Aktion Berlin, Opferperspektive, Antirassismus-Telefon Essen, München sagt Ja zu Toleranz (AZ), IG Metall, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung
- Austria: SOS Mitmensch, SOS Mitmensch Oberösterreich, Netzwerk gegen Rassismus, Ausländer/innenberatung ZEBRA, Integrationshaus-Wien, Migrant, Ausländerberatung OÖ
- Switzerland: Asylkoordination, GRA, Kinder des Holocaust
- UK: Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, National Assembly Against Racism, Online Network for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers
- USA: Refuse & Resist!, ADL
- France: Sans papier (English), Sans papier (German)
- Denmark: Danish Refugee Council
- Norway: NOAS : Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers, Antirasistisk Senter
- Ireland: ARC
- Anti-Racist directories
Informationszentrum für Rassismusforschung
Informationsdienst gegen Rechtsextremismus
WWW Virtual Library on Migration and Ethnic Relations
Dokumente Migration, Dokumente Rassismus (Nadeshda)
Norbert Links zu Rassismus, Nazi-Links/Antifa-Links, Anti-Racist links in Europe
(Anti-)Rassismus und -Faschismus (at BASIN)
- Anti-Racist magazines
in English:
in German:
ZAG, Antifaschistische Nachrichten, ASYLMAGAZIN, Antifaschistisches Info Blatt
- Texts:
- Theory: Zur politischen Ökonomie der Ausländerfeindlichkeit, Radical Theories of Racism and Racial Inequality
Argumente gegen rechts by Martin Blumentritt
Monthly Review February 2000: Overcoming Racism by Staughton Lynd
AWO: Zur Reform des Staatsangehörigkeitsrechts
Diakonisches Werk: Diakonisches Werk lehnt Abschiebepraxis ab. (1996)
Revolutionary Worker (RCP-US): Immigrants and Border Wars
Migration and Ethnicity on H-Net
Guardian: Race in Britain
Rassismus in der Ex-DDR: ZFF Potsdam, wsws, Ethnic Cleansing in Berlin-Brandenburg (German, English), Pfeiffer (Spiegel 12/99)
- Official information on immigration
Ausländerbeauftragte: Bund, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Thüringen
Bundesausländerbeauftragte: Daten und Fakten
Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung: Ausländerbeschäftigung
Ausländerrecht: Uni Konstanz
New citizen law: Bund, Hamburg
International: IOM Migration Web
Canada: Integration-Net - Citizenship and Immigration Canada
What is Trepca?
From a letter of the Miners Trade Union in Trepca:
"The biggest company in Kosova is the Trepca company based upon the rich mineral mines in Kosova. Under the constitution of ex- Yugoslavia this company was social property - ie it belonged to its workers. However all Albanian employees were locked out of their jobs in 1990.
Throughout these last years our trade union has tried to protect miners property and assert the right of miners to return to work. For several years this protest was directed at the Milosevic regime, now we have a new problem: French KFOR (Kosova Force) troops have occupied our mines and metal processing plants and refuse to allow us access. (...)
Despite our protests we remain locked out. So we want to step up our protests and for this we need international support and solidarity. We are planning more protests marches and if we are not successful we are prepared, eventually, to start a hunger strike outside the mine gates.
Our campaign to demand the rights of miners and other workers is not just for Albanians but for all Trepca employees with the exception of those who have committed war crimes."
Solidarity appeal from union activists in Germany to the bodies of the German Trade Union Congress (DGB): Aufruf zur internationalen Solidarität mit der Bergarbeitergewerkschaft "Trepca"
Brazilian union activists in solidarity with the Trepca miners.
Workers Aid: Kosova miners campaign
Background articles:
in English: Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth
in German: Das Labyrinth von Trepca by Max Brym
Africa Business Information Services: Newswatch, Vanguard
Nigeria 2000 survey from the Financial Times
Human Rights: Nigeria behind the mask, Nigeria (at Karawane)
WWW Virtual Library: Eritrea, DEHAI, Visafric: news, links, Eritrea at newafrica.com
Eritrea-Ethiopia conflict: MERIP, Yahoo! Full Coverage
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Spokesperson's Office
Ethiopian Arts and Culture on the Internet
Yahoo: German, International
Altavista: German, International
Fireball: Wissen, Nachrichten, Web
Other: Open Directory Project, Eserver
Search German papers: Paperball, Paperazzi
List of search engines and meta-searches: Wissenschaft plus Politik, MetaGer, Search Engine Watch
German language papers: jw, taz, FR, SZ, Die Welt, NZZ, Handelsblatt, Die Zeit, SPIEGEL ONLINE, Le Monde diplomatique (German), Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Freitag, Jungle World, konkret
International papers: NYT, IHT, Washington Post, FT, Guardian, Observer, The Times, Le Monde diplomatique (English), TIME: Europe International Asia, oneworld.net, South China Morning Post, The Hindu, Mail & Guardian
German language radio and TV stations: Tagesschau, B5, ntv, N24, ORF
International Radio and TV stations: CNN, BBC, RFE/RL, VOA, NPR
Yahoo: German, International, UK, Canada, Asia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia
Directories for news sources: AJR NewsLink, Yahoo, Zeitungen im Internet, Alternativzeitschriften - Deutschland, C-SPAN, European Journalism
Wire services: AP,
News portals: ForeignWire, Global Issues, Kim's News Links, OneWorld News
English: Scientific American
Jane's, Federation of American Scientists, Yahoo! Full Coverage:Espionage and Spying, Terrorism Research Center, CovertAction Quarterly, Geheim, Unbequem, kim-spy, Spylopedia, Polizeiforschung, Center for Defense Information, SIPRI, Air Force Magazine, Armed Forces Journal International
- General
- Translation
German <=> English: TH Chemnitz, leo.org
- Literature and German Studies
Gutenberg: Gutenberg.de, English
Mythology: Folklore and Mythology, Märchen bei Gutenberg, Encyclopedia Mythica, Götter und Sagengestalten
Poetry: English Poetry, Poetry Archive,
German Studies: Germanistik im Internet, Germanistik at FU Berlin, Links zur Literatur
- Philosophy
Original texts: Philosophy on the Eserver
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries: Philosopical Dictionary, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Link lists: Guide to Philosophy on the Internet, WWW Virtual Library: Philosophy
PhilNet: Online-Texte, PhilNet: Philosophen
The Value of Knowledge: a Miniature Library
Classics in the History of Psychology
Hegel by HyperText, Hegel's Philosophy of Right, Hegel Network
Intellectual currents of the twentieth century (by James Heartfield)
- Religion: Religious and Sacred Texts, Sacred-Texts.com, ishwar.com
- Critical: Secular Web Library, ReligiousTolerance.org
- Christian: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Bible Gateway, Heiligenlexikon, Catholic Encyclopedia, Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon
- Islam: Quran, Sunnah and Hadith, Islamic Server
- Judaism: soc.culture.jewish FAQ, Torah
- Text collections: HTI Religious Texts: Lutherbibel, King James Bible, Book of Mormon, Quran
- History
- General
- Ancient
- Russian Revolution:
Anarchism and the Russian Revolution
- Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Revolution & Civil War 1936-1939, A German Communist in the Spanish Civil War, The Spanish Left in its Own Words, The May Days of 1937 in Barcelona
- World War II
- Germany 1933-1945:
Exilpresse at Deutsche Bibliothek
- Germany after 1945: Wirtschaftsgeschichte BRD (at marburg.edu)
- 1968: 1968 at trend, German Student Movement, Bibliography
- Armed Struggle:
- Left History: Feuer und Flamme
- Resistance
- Feminism
Women's History on the Eserver
At Edition ID-Archiv: Gender Killer
- Economics
Resources for Economists, WWW Resources in Economics
History of Economic Thought Archive, History of Economic Thought Website
- Law
- Ethnology
Ethnologue: all the langugages of the world
- Geography
Maps: PCL Map Collection
- History of Art