In the twenty years since the United States Supreme Court Justices took the hallucinogenic substances necessary to read in the Constitution an ominous and omnipotent right to privacy, the Democratic Party and other civil rights and civic groups have used the same hallucinogen to find other such constitutional rights: The most recent being the right to vote.
In establishing this duty and privilege of American citizens to vote as a constitutional right, these compassion fascists ignore two facts about our wonderful invention of mankind known as the Constitution of the United States of America. The first is that the Constitution is meant to be only a delineation of our most fundamental rights granted by our Creator, along with the areas of society that the government can legitimately claim sovereignty over.
Furthermore, any scholar of the Founding Fathers' writings will know that they considered voting to be a privilege, and gave the states (not the federal government) the sovereignty to regulate the voting franchise. As a result the states did regulate the franchise, they regulated the voting franchise to keep civic delinquents(the ill-informed, the illiterate, and the unintelligent) from voting by granting the franchise to all citizens over the age of twenty-one who owned property; i.e. those who had a stake in this country and, therefore, this government.
The Oracle believes that requiring citizens to show some civic sign-of-life like going to a post office and getting a mail-in registration form would not put an undue burden on any citizen. Especially since no other requirements for voting exists, such as, literacy or a basic understanding of the English language (the requirements of owning property, being white, male, and over twenty-one having been deemed unconstitutional.) Let's not eliminate the requirement that you must at least be a citizen of the United States to participate in this great experiment of self-rule.
In order for the Automatic Registration Bill of 1993 to go into effect in 1995 or 1996, -- which will allow people to register to vote when they apply for, or renew, a driver's license; sign up for welfare and/or unemployment benefits; and, in the event someone was to miss this massive effort to register ignorant voters, schools and libraries will also be recruited in this noble effort to make democracy easier and more convenient -- many state constitutions will require a constitutional amendment to legitimize the federal government's unprecedented power grab into areas over which the states were traditionally granted sovereignty. For the sake of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the federal constitution, The Oracle urges the 105th Congress to repeal the law that gives Zoe Baird's driver the right to vote in American elections.