Orthodox. Russian. Born on 4-th
August 1963 in Moscow. Father: military man. Mother: teacher-journalist.
In 1980 finished Moscow school ¹202 spcialized in Greco-Roman and Free-style fighting, where
i was qualified as candidate to the master of sports. In seventies i was several-times-winner
of Moscow and country championships. In 1980-1985 studied in the
institute, where started learning Karate of Sane and Keku- sinkay styles. In 1984 i received
red belt in Sane style and brown belt in Kekusinkay style. During the time when
the above mentioned styles were forbidden in the country i went on training
in the special groups, organized by the Ministry of the Internal affairs
and the Armed Forces, where i got an experience of being an instructor
on practical Combat Fight. In National-Patriotic Front "Pamyat" since 1993
has been taking part in its activity, is a correspondent of the ideological
department in "Pamyat" Front, WebSite Administrator. Professional Instructor:
since 1992 has been instructing in sports sections and clubs on hand-fighting
and karate (is qualified with "brown belt" 2 ku on karate). Married from november 1998.
Hobbies: English( with the help of the dictionary), computer technologies
(Win95,Word, Exell, INTERNET), political sciences(politology, sociology,
phylosophy), literature and music.