The Ban Everything Syndrome:
Isn't it interesting and frustrating that our politicians have only one answer to incidents that occur in our society today. Ban it. An American sailor is tragically stabbed to death in a Brisbane nightclub by an assailant. What do our pollies decide? Make the carrying of pocket knives without "a valid reason" against the law. Who decides a valid reason - the same police that have been a centre of corruption in the state for many years. Will it fix the problem? Since the assailant involved was already breaking the law that banned the carrying of knives in nightclubs, obviously he will abide by the law the next time when is let out of gaol for good behaviour in the near future.
Prohibition has never worked any where it is has been tried. All it does is penalise the average law abiding citizen and increase the profits of those that sell or make whatever has been banned illegally. Prohibition of alcohol in the States successfully gave the Al Capones of that era the perfect commodity to sell and caused corruption on a scale not seen in America before.
What about firearms:
Since we all know that banning firearms will reduce crime - at least according to the pollies and the police who are better armed in many states than the army. The criminal element will immediately comply and no longer use the weapons in robbing, raping and killing our citizens.
There is an alternative view to consider. I recommend that you read a book by John R. Lott from the University of Chicago called "More Guns, less Crime. It makes a masterful study of the effect of gun control laws compared with areas where private citizens have the right to carry concealed firearms. Make up your own mind if our politicians have got it right by continually disarming us of the tools that can be used to defend our homes and families. The book can be ordered on line from Amazon Books.