Some rich control freaks aren't content to control the economy by buying into big corporations, big banks and big media. They proceed to buy big politicians and thus subvert democracy. The biggest politician is, of course, the President of the United States. If the bought President fails to live up to their expectations or if the opposition presidential candidate who is not as well bought somehow manages to win the election, they proceed to the assassination mode and study plan A: bullets. If the bullet option has been used too much and is thus too obvious, they proceed to use plan B: character assassination. Which is the mode they are in right now (January 98). Since they already own a big chunk of the mass media and since the rest of the mass media is also fixated on scandal as a means of increasing profits, plan B can be quite effective. Plans A & B are also used to eliminate popular nonpresidents such as Martin Luther King, Jr and Robert Kennedy if they are deemed a threat to the Big Bucks Political Order or a threat to the Military Adventures Political Order.
The obstical to the best laid plans of the Fascistic Few is the truth. What happens now to the presidency and to our imperfect democracy will be determined by whether or not the truth reaches the public and by how the public's priorities are organized.
© 1998