i. Introduction
1. Prioritizing Resources
2. Harm Reduction
3. The Dutch Approach
4. Decriminalization
5. Marijuana Decriminalization, then Legalization
6. Legalization
7. Full Legalization / the 'Supermarket' model
Appendix A: Forfeiture and Mandatory Minimums
Appendix B: Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana
i. Introduction
1. Prioritizing Resources
Prepared Statement of Steven Wisotsky,
Professor of Law, Nova University Law Center,
before the select committee on Narcotics Abuse and
Control, House of Representatives,
Concerning: A New Beginning in U.S. Drug Policy,
September 29th, 1988.
2. Harm Reduction
3. The Dutch Approach
4. Decriminalization
5. Marijuana Decriminalization, then Legalization
6. Legalization
7. Full Legalization / the 'Supermarket' model
Appendix A: Forfeiture and Mandatory Minimums
The War on Drugs has required dehumanizing drug-users and drug-sellers, and that has led to the 'drug exception to the Bill of Rights'. Two of these excesses permitted in the name of 'getting tough on drugs' are the forfeiture laws and the mandatory minimum laws. Modifying them to a civilized level would not require the substantial change in policy that many of the previously mentioned ideas would; for that reason, they are presented separately.
I. Forfeiture
II. Mandatory Minimums
Appendix B: Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana
A sign of the failure of current drug policy is that the economic opportunities of non-intoxicating industrial hemp and the medical potential of marijuana have so far been neglected. Most opposition to these uses of marijuana seem to be based on fears of their being part of a conspiracy to legalize marijuana in a wider sense. It may be necessary, then, to discuss the non- recreational issues of marijuana separately from recreational ones, if only for the sake of the resources that could be conserved and the suffering that could be alleviated.
I. Industrial Hemp
II. Medical Marijuana
Glaucoma Relieves intraocular pressure Cancer chemotherapy Relieves nausea Stimulates appetite Improves attitude AIDS Reduces or eliminates 'wasting syndrome' Multiple Sclerosis Relieves muscular spasms Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Helps reduce stress and anxiety in many war veterans Menstrual discomfort and PMS relief Chronic Fatigue Stress Syndrome aka CFIDS'