What made me attempt this work?
For the longest time, I have been compiling information on the aristocratic families of Europe. Then I found the internet, which helped me fill in a number of gaps in the genealogy. One day, while searching the net, I came across a site with a number of aristocrats within it. The author had put a disclaimer on his work, at which time he told of getting an e-mail from an irate descendent of Charlemagne. That made me laugh first, and think second. I wondered just how many times Charlemagne would be related to Prince William of England. I don't know that answer, although I suspect that if I ever finish, the number will be in the thousands. Thus far, I am primarily working the princes maternal side, and already there are 40 some different ways that Princes William and Harry are related to Charlemagne, and that is just on their mother's side. Anyone willing to guess on that final number, drop me an e-mail.