I would like to thank everyone who has helped. Some have provided information, others words of encouragement. I realize I have been slow to get this page up and running, and you have my apoligizies. Unfortunately, this work is taking much more time than I ever imagined. I guess I can understand why nobody had taken the time to do this before. The number of relationships now is staggering, and will continue to grow. But anyway, you all have my special thanks, and I hope you continue to view the many pages contained herein. Below is a list of names of contributors. Please note, they are not necessarily in the order I recieved them, but rather the order in which I used the information. I thank them all equally.
1. Ted Elston
Ted provided information on the Hauke's, a Polish Count.
2. Johneda Tinnin Lee
Johneda provided information on the Reade's, ancestors of the Queen Mother, who also were Americans.
3. Judi Banting
Judi provided extenstive information of the Bentinck's.
Margaret provided a wealth of information on the ancestors of Duke Azzo II of Este. As I must rework each page as I add Prince Charles ancestors, it will be awhile before this information will be online.
Margaret provided the parent of Thomas Boude
6. Louis Epstein
Louis has provided more information than anyone. I really appreciate his letting me know when he runs across a link that does not appear to be working. Many thanks Louis.