There is much misunderstanding about inequality in the USA, so I have set up a separate page for discussion of it
. Items will be added and updated as I have time (and get more information).
Stratification and the Wealth Gap at College USA.
Wealth vs Income?
Termites in the Quintiles
Wage Distributions from CPS Data for the US
Income Inequality and Consumption
The Reasons for Inequality:
Ed Flaherty
Robert W. Fogel
Mobility and Monopoly
The Schumpeter Hotel
Up The Steps or Along The Fence?
Inequality and Age
The Gini Index
CPI and the RAT Race
My comments, introducing the Wealth Fairy
Wealthier Than Thou
Hans Rosling on 3rd World Myths
The World in Perspective
Is Inequality the Same Everywhere?
How Ancient is Inequality?
World Inequality is Shrinking
How the Pie is Sliced
Wealth and Its Distribution
Consumption Gap Is Widening, Says UN Report
X% of the People Own Y% of the Wealth
The Rich(est) Are Getting Poorer
The History of US Billionaires
Picture Wealth Concentration in the US