International Economic Items

There are several articles, and links, so I have set up a separate page. Items will be added and updated as I have time (and get more information).

Krugman vs Friedman

Will China Again Lead the World?

US Foreign Trade Data
Ricardo, Capital, Labor, & Cheese
Trade and Economic Development
Globalization and 3rd World Wages
Marx on Globalization

Growing World Equality?
Or Maybe Not?
So which is it?
The Boston Globe on the Global Debate

The Peso Crisis and Chiapas
Mexico after NAFTA
The Mexican Pizza Riddle is Explained!

Japan: What Happened? Views from:
Scott Cram
Paul Krugman
American Enterprise Institute View
Arnold Kling

What's New in

Pakistan: Rupee: Place Your Bets!!

The World in Perspective
Per Capita GDP Around the World
Military Spending Around the World

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