Cohen’s theory was very orthodox in context but its language was new. It started with the idea of human nature and human rationality so well known in neo-classical economics. This made the base for reconstructing Marxism in the terms of rationality, in terms of modern economy.
Cohen gave birth to the school of Rational Choice Marxism even though he does not himself represent RCM. RCM means that all economical and political action and theories should be explained by the action of individuals. And not just any action of individual, but the utility maximising self-interested homo economicus, which is capable for collective action only as a “second-best solution”. Of course it is impossible to reconstruct Marxism in this way but this approach and the use of analytical tools have also positive sides. AM and RCM challenge the bourgeoisie economics in its own terms. So human rationality is very good starting point for critical theory of capitalism, but it is not enough.
Cohen asks also in his book If you are an egalitarian how come your so rich? the very basis of Marxian morality. The whole concept of moral philosophy lacked in the traditional Marxism, so this is something new. (Wo)men have to make moral choices. One can not live by other standards and make politics on others. He gives an example how in the radical 1970’s someone asked in TV-interview from a very rich Labour party member, why he just would not give the Labour party enough money to wipe out its debts? The question was not even taken seriously.
Morality means lot to Cohen. He comes from Canadian Jewish communist family, and lately he has tried to combine these traditions. In another book Cohen becomes even a moralist in an anarchist style. He even uses the Proudhon’s slogan: “Property is theft!” in judgement of Thatcherite Britain, all though he is enough a Marxist not to mention Proudhon’s name.
Cohen studies also the problems of freedom in capitalist society. He comes to a conclusion that although the proletariat is individually free to leave working class, they are not so collectively. “I want to rise with my class, not above my class!”, is his slogan for working class.
G.A. Cohen’s works are very interesting reading for everybody who has realized that the old Marxism, “the scientific Marxism” is dead, but who think that there is still something profoundly wrong in modern capitalism. Maybe this is basis for a new rise of the Left.