HaYom Kulam Yod'im She'Kahane Tzadak!

Welcome to Page 1 of The Palestinian Problem Section of Jonathan's Right Wing Zionist Homepage!

Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad!

After years of fighting, The Madrid Peace Conference convened in Madrid, Spain on October 30, 1991. This initiated "The Peace Process". Individual "Palestinians" would not give into Likud demands and as a result, there were no concessions. When Labor came to power, there were secret illegal meetings in Oslo, Norway which resulted in the signing of the corrupt Oslo Accords. On September 13, 1993, Yitzhak Rabin, Z"L, and Yasser Arafat, YM"S, officialy "ended" the state of war, in violation of the law banning contact with The PLO Muslim Nazi terrorists. This was the end of The Intifada and the beginning of the interim period of Oslo between The Intifada and The Oslo War, which broke out at the collapse of Oslo in 2000. The beginning of this period was marked by terrorist attacks and on November 4, 1995, Yigal Amir shot Yitzhak Rabin with a blank bullet because he disagreed with Rabin's policies. At the same time, Rabin's own bodyguard Yoram Rubin shot and killed him under the orders of Shimon Peres so Peres, who did not feel Rabin was Leftist enough, could become Prime Minister and continue Oslo. More attacks followed in 1996, and this led to the election of His Excellency, Binyamin Netanyahu. Bibi was put in a bad situation by Rabin and Peres. By Israeli law, he had to continue with the Anti-Semitic Oslo Accords, even though he was against them. As a result, he tried to repair the damage but of course he couldn't repair it because The Palestinians sign accords and then break every single clause in them. Bibi is not responsible for the accords he signed. It is Rabin, Peres, and their Post-Zionist accomplices who are totally to blame. Tensions got worse but in January, 1997, Bibi signed The Hebron Protocol. This gave Arab sections of Hebron to The Palestinian Authority. This takes us to March, 1997.

In March, 1997, there was a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. His Excellency, Binyamin Netanyahu, said that the bombing, the second year in a row at Purim time, was given the green light by The Palestinian Authority. This means that they didn't deserve Hebron as they were promised in The Hebron Protocol. That shows that The Hebron Protocol was just another example of filth produced from Shimon Peres's fantasies of what he calls, "The New Middle East". The PLO apparently gave the green light after construction of The Har Homa Housing Development in East Jerusalem was started. That awful man, Yasser Arafat, didn't doesn't have the right to say whether we can build there. It is and always will be part of Israel. Then what did he go and do to express his anger? He told Hamas it was okay if they put a bomb in Tel Aviv. This shows that he was a coward. This is not a true peace if he bombed us just like he shot on us after the opening of the archeological tunnel by OUR Kotel and OUR Temple Mount. It is not theirs. This isn't a true peace and Israel could have gone and taken back any parts of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza under Palestinian control. Even further so, they didn't repeal their "National Covenant". In addition, they continue to support terrorism. They supported Hamas terrorist attacks in Jerusalem in July and September of 1997. At the barganing table with Israel, they refused to accept the 9% of Judea and Samaria that was offered to them. They insisted on the 13% American dictate which delayed the signing of an agreement by 5 months. On May 4, 1998, Madeline Albright met with Bibi and Arafat in London, with 9% ready to accept but Arafat listened to Madeline Albright. They went along with the American dictate. They could have already have had that 9% of Judea and Samaria and be moving on to final status negotiations. They are un-willing to make bilateral consessions. They won't commit to fighting terrorism. Instead they support it and after the breakout of The Oslo War they started carrying out terrorism themselves. Then a week later while Bibi was in Washington meeting with State Department officials working on making peace, on May 14, 1998, The 50th Anniversary of The State of Israel on The Secular Calendar, Yasser Arafat sponsored a violent protest to commemorate "Al-Nakba", which is Arabic for "the catastrophe", the term The Palestinians use when referring to Israel's Independence. A few weeks later, Palestinian cabinet members even clashed in Jerusalem with Israeli police, because Jews moved into houses which they legally bought in an Arab neighborhood of The Old City. They didn't keep Oslo and Israel did keep it. However, The Palestinians are credited with keeping it and Israel is credited with not keeping it. That is an obstacle to peace. That proved that they don't want peace. They just wanted a Palestinian state. There are a few reasons why they won't get it. The most important reason is God promised the entire Eretz Yisrael to The Jews. We took the land from Canaan and not The Palestinians. At the time The Palestinians were part of the Arab population in Arabia. The Jews lost the land when Asyria and Babylonia took it over. Less than 100 years after we finally got it back, The Romans took it over. A few hundred years later it became part of The Byzantine Empire. Then finally The Arabs took over the land after the start of Islam, in 638 C.E., 1,878 years after it became Israel. Therefore, The Arabs then started to "occupy" it, which they blame us for doing now. Muslims held control of it until The British won it in World War I from The Ottoman Empire. Therefore, it was under Muslim occupation from 638 C.E. until World War I. But there was never a state of "Palestine". Palestine was just a territory occupied by foreign powers. Also, at the end of World War I, Palestine included all of present day Israel and Jordan. However, 4/5 of the land was given to King Abdullah I for his family's part in World War I. It became Jordan. Therefore, Jordan is the legitimate "Palestine". The British later gave The Golan Heights to The French Mandate of Syria, subsequently becoming Syria until it was liberated on June 10, 1967 on the last day of The Six Day War. In 1947, The British broke British law with The Partition Plan. They offered the Arabs of Palestine a second "Palestine". These Arabs called themselves Syrians since historical Palestine is what The Arabs called Greater Syria and which The Syrians still call Greater Syria. They never began to use the term Palestinian until after The Six Day War when they invented the lie of an "ancient Palestinian people". Most of the so-called "Palestinians" only recently migrated into the area when The Zionists started arriving. Luckily they declined the offer because they wanted it all. Therefore in The War of Independence, Israel took over what was promised to Israel, and most of the land which was to be made into the second "Palestine". The land that The Palestinians want today to become the second "Palestine" fell under Arab control. The Gaza Strip became part of Egypt, and East Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, became part of Jordan. Since The Arabs had control of that land then, and didn't give The Palestinians a second "Palestine", there is another reason why they shouldn't get one (They obviously didn't want a state then because that was before they started calling thmelsevles "Palestinians".). In 1967, in The Six Day War, Judea, Samaria, The Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem were liberated by Israel. The Palestinian violence that followed up until The Intifada, which started on December 7, 1987, and ended with the "peace" agreement on September 13, 1993, was just part of a plan to trick Israel into giving them as much of Israel as possible in an attempt to establish a second "Palestine". It also seemed that on May 4, 1999, when the corrupt Oslo Accords expired, they would have declared independence and used the land they had at the time as a base to attack Israel in an attempt to drive Israel into The Mediterranean Sea, which it says in their "National Covenant" which was "repealed" in December, 1998, during Bill Clinton's visit to The Gaza Strip in accordance with Wye (Even though they repealed it, they act as if it wasn't repealed at all.). They finally carried out that plan but without declaring independence in September, 2000, in the form of The Oslo War. Daily Yasser Arafat broke Oslo by making Anti-Israel remarks and other things such as commiting and supporting terrorism. He even wanted to invite Hamas to join his corrupt cabinet but they declined because he wasn't extreme enough for them. They insist on making East Jerusalem the capital of a future "Palestine". Jerusalem is The Eternal and Indivisible Capital of The Jews. Therefore they don't deserve a second "Palestine". We were only willing to let them get limited self-rule areas in parts of Judea, Samaria, and The Gaza Strip. That way Israel would still have over all control and all the Palestinian self-rule areas would be are autonomous regions within The State of Israel. They are lucky we were willing to give them anything. What ever they would have gotten would have been limited to what Israel decided on. Since this wasn't acceptable to The Palestinians, Israel must now competely return the situation to how it was before 1993 and all Palestinians that agree to live in Israel in peace without claiming the right to their own country and without doing violent acts can stay but all others must be deported to Arab countries. This can be done in an agreement with an Arab country or any Arabs that want to leave Israel, both Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, can be paid a basket of emigration by Israel to leave.

However, the situation seemed to have changed. With on and off negotiations since July, 1998, The Palestinian Authority realized that it must make "peace" to get anything. The minor terrorist attacks that took place since then until The Wye Accords were not PA sponsored. On October 15, 1998, the 2 sides sat down to negotiate at The Wye River Conference Centers in Queenstown, Maryland, on The Eastern Shore of The Chesepeake Bay. On October 19, there was a major non PA sponsored Hamas terrorist attack in Beer Sheva. Arafat condemned it. An agreement was then at hand. The Palestinians agreed to comply with Oslo and to fight terrorism. In return, Israel agreed to give 13% of Judea and Samaria to Palestinian control and to allow them to build a seaport and airport in Gaza. On October 23, the state of war seemed as if it was truely put to rest, and a true, just, and lasting peace seemed as if it was reached. It seemed as if King Hussein, sick from cancer, helped with his wisdom. Bill Clinton, and his shuttle diplomacy seemed to have helped as well. At 4:00 P.M., rushing to sign before Shabbat, similarly like The Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948, a dramatic, formal agreement was signed at The White House in Washington, in the same room The Camp David Accords were signed 20 years earlier. It seemed that even though was still a long road ahead, there was at least a chance for what seemed like a true, lasting peace.

That was back in October, 1998, in a World of illusionment. Only a few months later, there were new realities. The Wye Accords no longer applied and still don't apply due to the many events occuring since Arafat stopped following Wye. The Palestinians returned to their old ways. As soon as Wye stopped applying, Bibi stopped its implementation. Bibi meant Wye only to fix Oslo and to get The Palestinians to follow Oslo and since they stopped following Wye, both Oslo and Wye stopped applying. There were many terrorist attacks. In Judea and Samaria people were murdered or wounded by Arab terrorists. Yasser Arafat released several prisoners which must be in jail according to Wye and used a double standard against Israel and said to release prisoners from Israeli jails convicted of murdering Jews and instead wanted settlers defending themselves and profiling God's mitzvah of settling Judea and Samaria put in jail.

Also, traitors to Zion like Yitzhak Mordechai left Likud which paved the way for new elections. We succeeded in preventing a Palestinian state in May, 1999. However, we then lost the election and the situation became serious. The "Peace" Process no longer applied while Ehud Barak was in power because he doesn't understand basic Jewish values. On September 5, 1999, Ehud Barak signed The Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum and agreed to continue The Wye Accords, not as Bibi meant them, but as an ammendment to Peres's Oslo fantasies. Barak gave away more land than Bibi ever gave away. He uprooted Jewish families from Maon Farm. Bibi never kicked any Jews out of their homes. Barak himself even had conflicts with Arafat. Arafat didn't accept land offered to him because it is not good enough for him. If he didn't want what was offered to him, he shouldn't get anything.

According to The Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum, a final "peace" deal had to be reached by September 13, 2000. Even under Barak's Post-Zionist "leadership", Sharm el-Sheikh was not carried out on schedule as planned. All the withdrawls were not carried out on schedule because Arafat wanted to dictate what land would be given to him. Under Sharm el-Sheikh, a "framework for a final status agreement" was to be reached by February, 2000. Barak even went as far as to break all red lines, and Arafat still didn't accept it. In July, 2000, Ehud Barak went to Camp David and offered the un-heard of. He offered to divide Jerusalem. Even that wasn't good enough for Arafat. That exposed him. However, the "enlightened" Left refuses to see this. Even if Barak would have given into all his demands and given up all of East Jerusalem then Arafat would have wanted West Jerusalem, and then Tel Aviv, and would never be satisfied until all The Jews would be thrown into The Mediterranean Sea. It was clear for some time now that there would eventually be a point where even Barak would have to say no. That point came at Camp David. Arafat threatened to delcare a state on September 13 if that date passed with no progress. If he would have declared a state, in doing so he would have made all deals signed with him void. That would have turned into a full scale war. However, Arafat ended up putting off such a unilateral declaration because The World would not give him support. They wanted him to sign an agreement. Arafat then threatened to carry through on his threats on November 15, 2000, or January 1, 2001, both times being just plain threats. That would have been a stupid move, because it wouldn't be a real state unless Israel recognized it. Even if our Leftist "leaders" recognized it, it would not be a valid state under God's laws, and would be nothing but occupied Jewish land. It would be like the situation in Lebanon where Hizbullah occupies part of Lebanon. There is no Hizbullah state and in the same way there will never be a Palestinian state. If, God forbid, Arafat really would have made such a declaration, during the ensuing full scale war, if The Jews were good, we would have re-liberated all areas under Palestinian rule.

It was all in Ehud Barak's hands. He could have re-introduced Zionism to The Labor Party ending this nightmare, or continue the paths of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. However, he just sat there like a lame duck and did nothing. He could have taken the offensive and end the conflict but instead he just let the sitution get worse. In the resulting conflict, he continued doing nothing and allowed The Palestinians to declare war on Israel and commit Nazi attrocites against The Jewish People in what they hope will be the second Holocaust. As a result, he lost his right to be Prime Minister and lost his mandate, forcing him to resign, which paved the way for new elections which he lost and brought Ariel Sharon and Likud back into power.

On September 28, 2000, Ariel Sharon inserted his right of entrance to the holiest Jewish site in The World, The Temple Mount. The Arabs saw this as an "act of agression" on their "holy sites" that are illegaly built there on occupied Jewish land. Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, including Arab MKs who should be expelled from The Knesset as a punishment, arrived on The Temple Mount to attack Sharon's delegation in the traditonal primitive Arab way of literal Stone Age warfare. This un-provoked violence continued through the next couple of days into Rosh Hashana. However, the violence never stopped since then and turned into a full scale mini-war called The Rosh Hashana Arab Assault which was the beginning of The Oslo War and the end of the interim period of Oslo. Barak refused to recognize the war's existence. Many Jewish and Non-Jewish Israeli soldiers were killed in its first week. Then on the Shabbat before Yom Kippur, after Israel withdrew from Joseph's Tomb, Arab Nazis destroyed the site by burning it and taking apart the roof by hand piece by piece. This action is equivlant to both the destruction of The First and Second Temples and The Holocaust. Every Palestinian that took part in the desecration or allowed it to take place including Arafat himself, are equal to Adolf Hitler and should therefore be put on trial by Israel for war crimes against The Jewish People and be executed just like Adolf Eichman. Then after promising to repair Joseph's Tomb, Arafat "fixed" the building and painted the dome green, the Nazi terrorist color of Islam and turned it into an Anti-Semitic mosque which allegedly marks the burial place of some Yousef, in typical Ishameli theft of Jewish concepts like the alleged "binding of Ishmael" and the holiness of The Temple Mount. Then came the beginning of the killings of innocent Jewish civilians and later on the burning to the ground of The Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue in Jericho. Also so-called "Palestinian police" captured Israeli soldiers whom they took to a "police station" in Ramallah and with the assistance of Palestinian Nazi civilians, brutally lynched them, beating and killing them and then throwing their bodies out the window to fall down to a street filled with cheering Arab Nazis. They then dragged their bodies on the back of a car. Then finally Barak had the sense to attack back. It seemed that he finally learned that there is no more "Peace" Process and that he would go on to win the war. But he didn't and re-began to beg Arafat to take up his offer of surrender at Camp David. Barak then offered not only a so-called Palestinian state, but agreed to withdraw from all of The Gaza Strip, 95% of Judea and Samaria, part of East Jerusalem including The Temple Mount and all of The Old City except for The Jewish Quarter and The Kotel, land in The Negev (In pre-1967 Israel which even is recognized as part of Israel by the international community.) in place of the remaining 5% of Judea and Samaria, and the uprooting of many Jewish settlements but even that wasn't good enough for Arafat. He still insisted for so-called "Palestinian refugees" who volutarily left their homes to return to Israel. Even if God forbid, Barak allowed this, they would still demand something else until they would liquidate the entire State of Israel. Even while Barak was offering all of this, the violence continued and many Israeli soldiers and Jewish civlians were killed in bombings, drive by shootings (Including the drive by shooting that resulted in the assassination of Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane, ZT"L, HY"D and his wife, Talia Kahane, ZT"L, HY"D, the son and daughter in law of the assassinated former MK Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT"L, HY"D.), and whatever other means these Arab Nazis chose. All Arabs that took part and continue to take part in The Oslo War in any way or conspired to should be dealt with in the same manner the desecrators of Joseph's Tomb should be dealt with.

Finally, our prayers were answered and Ariel Sharon was elected in order to end this conflict. However, the detrimental inclusion of Labor in the government put that on hold. The more Labor was in the government, the more Leftist he himself became, and after Labor left the government he exposed his true face by acting Leftist even though he didn't have to. Since The Palestinians didn't go along with Sharon's terms for "peace", he struck back at them killing and arresting many Arab Nazi terrorists and temporarily re-liberated parts of The Palestinian Authority in order to fight the terrorists which he continues to do off and on. However, his inclusion of Shimon Peres as Foreign Minister and Binyamin Ben-Eliezer as Defense Minister came at the cost of some Rightist parties such as The National Religious Party and Gesher not joining the coalition until later on, Herut never joining, and The National Union - Yisrael Beitenu and Gesher quitting the government. Then when Labor left the government he preferred to call new elections rather than make a true Right Wing government with all the Right Wing parties. Now that Sharon stole the Likud leadership with his lies, he wanted to make a new national unity government after he won the election and not include any Rightists that opppose his Leftist policies serve as ministers in his government, therefore making the elections in vain when they could be used to make a new strong Right Wing government with 69 Knesset members in his coalition following the commanding victory for The Right over Oslo. Luckily, Labor did not agree to form a national unity government and he was forced to bring in The National Religious Party and The National Union while he settled for bringing another Leftist party into the coalition, Shinui. Sharon should have immidiately kicked Shinui out of the government and brought in Shas and United Torah Judaism in order to have a 100% Right Wing government. But instead of doing that, he decided to carry out the expulsion of Jews form Gaza and Northern Samaria in order to make them Judenrein. That's what Labor proposed and Sharon beat them in the election because the voters rejected this expulsion plan. So Sharon kicked out all the opponents of this plan including The National Union and Likud ministers from his government threatening to kck out those who voted against it and The National Religious Party resigned. Since Sharon continued with his misuse of the results of the election and continued to carry out Leftist policies by accepting the Anti-Semitic "Road Map" to Auschwitz, he had to be impeached by his own party and replaced by Bibi or a true Rightist or there will have to be new national elections. This has not happened and since he proposed the expulsion plan forcing its passage through the government and and Knesset, the only option now is new elections. Sharon's goals are to turn Likud into Labor B and to continue his hijacking of The Likud Party and he has now brought Labor back to the government after even kicking out Shinui over the budget.

Sharon's partial response to Palestinian Nazi terrorism is not enough and Sharon should simply just destroy The Palestinian Authority so Israel can finally resume its life as normal without a terrorist mini-state in its heartland. Most importantly, the entire Jewish cities of Shechem and Jericho should be liberated in order to re-build Joseph's Tomb and The Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue and to allow complete Jewish access to them and not just control of the sites themselves which were Israeli islands in the days of Oslo. The archeological sites of Jericho should also be returned to being Israeli National Parks. For a complete end to violence, Israel should put an end to The Palestinian Authority, and arrest all its leaders and officals including all the members of all the branches of The PLO such as Fatah, The Tanzim, Force 17, The Al-Aqsa Brigades, etc..., starting with Abu Mazen and put them on trial for war crimes against The Jewish People, convict them, sentence them to death, hang them, cremate their bodies, and scatter their ashes over The Mediterranean Sea just like Adolf Eichman or just simply kill them in a military operation. The same should be done to all the members and leaders of all the other Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Hamas, The Islamic Jihad, etc.... And Arafat's grave should be bombed since we never did the above to him during his life time.

Now I will summarize many of the major offenses of The Palestinians during The Oslo War since the election of Ariel Sharon. On February 14, 2001, an Arab Nazi bus driver slammed his bus into a crowd of Israeli soldiers in Holon killing 8 people. The Nazi was shot in the chase after he drove away and was arrested and thank God, he lost his legs in the battle. May his name and memory be erased.

On June 1, 2001, a Palestinian Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up outside The Dolphinarium Discotheque in Tel Aviv killing over 20 people. May his name and memory be erased.

On August 9, 2001, an Arab Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up inside Sbarro on the corner of Jaffa Street and King George St. in Downtown Jerusalem killing about 15 people. May his name and memory be erased. Ariel Sharon rightly responded to this attack by finally closing down Orient House, the Palestinian governmental office in East Jerusalem which was orginally ordered to be closed down by Binyamin Netanyahu but was ordered to be kept open by the self-hating "enlightened" Israeli Supreme Court.

On October 17, 2001, a Palestinian Nazi gunman assassinated Tourism Minister Rechavam Ze'evi, Z"L, HY"D, in The Hyatt Hotel in the French Hill and Mount Scopus area of Jerusalem. May the gunman's name and memory be erased.

On December 1, 2001, 2 Arab Nazi suicide bombers blew themselves up in Downtown Jerusalem, one on Ben Yehuda Street and one on nearby Luntz Street killing 11 people. A Palestinian Nazi set car bomb also exploded on HaRav Kook Street without any injuries. May these bombers' names and memories be erased.

On December 2, 2001, a Palestinian Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus in Haifa killing about 15 people. May his name and memory be erased.

On December 12, 2001, Arab Nazis standing on the side of the road started shooting on a Dan bus near the settlement of Emanuel in Samaria killing about 10 people. May these shooters' names and memories be erased.

On March 2, 2002, a Palestinian Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up in front of a synagogue in the Bet Yisrael neighborhood of Jerusalem killing about 10 people including babies leaving synagogue on Motza'ei Shabbat. May his name and memory be erased.

On March 9, 2002, Arab Nazi gunmen started shooting in Netanya killing a baby tourist from South Africa. In the ensuing battle, border police accidently shot and killed an innocent bystander and the gunmen were shot to death. May their names and memories be erased. A few hours later, an Arab Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up in The Moment Cafe in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem killing about 10 people. May his name and memory be erased.

On March 27, 2002, a Palestinian Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up in the dining hall of a hotel in Netanya where Jews were having a seder for the first night of Passover. About 30 people died. May his name and memory be erased.

On March 28, 2002, an Arab Nazi gunman entered a house in Elon Moreh near Shechem and started shooting killing 4 people inside. The gunman was finally killed. May his name and memory be erased.

On March 29, 2002, a Palestinian Nazi stabbed 2 Jews to death near a synagogue in Netzarim in Gush Katif. May his name and memory be erased. Later in the day, a 16 year old Arab Nazi girl blew herself up in a supermarket in Jerusalem killing 2 people. May her name and memory be erased.

On March 30, 2002, an Arab Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up in Tel Aviv killing one person and injuring many. May the bomber's name and memory be erased.

On March 31, 2002, a Palestinian Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up in Haifa killing about 15 people. May his name and memory be erased.

Israel rightfully retaliated for the Passover attacks by taking over Ramallah and destroyed part of Arafat's Nazi compound but they didn't harm him personally. They should have just bombed the whole building in order to put him to death. All day he was busy talking on the phone to reporters about how he wanted to be a "holy martyr" in what he called "Palestine". Israel should have just killed him so he could have become what he called a "martyr" in order for justice to be served against this sucessor to and biggest Jew killer since Adolf Hitler. In the fighting, Arafat's Nazi terrorist forces killed an Israeli soldier. The first 48 hours of Passover were some of the bloodiest days in The Oslo War and March, 2002, was the bloodiest month in The Oslo War, with over 100 people, at the time about a fourth of the Oslo War victims, being killed in March. In 48 hours alone, Arab Nazi terrorists killed 31 Jews.

The army needed to finally put an end to The Oslo War and not be held hostage to Labor ministers in a Likud government and not even Likud leaders like Sharon that act like Labor ministers. The army must react without limitations until all the terrorists are either killed or captured so that they can be put on trial for their war crimes against The Jewish People. Sharon was off to a good start in wiping out and capturing many terrorists which prevented terrorist attacks, but he must for once and for all, re-liberate every inch of land given to the Nazi Palestinian Authority, and restore the situation to how it was before 1993.

However, despite the anti-terrorism offensive, the Arab Nazis begun their attacks again. After killing many Israeli soldiers in the battles, on April 9, 2002, the Nazi terrorists bombed a building in Jenin that Israeli soldiers were inside of during a military operation, killing 13 of them. That was a new type of warfare, mass murderous bombings on the battle field, on the same scale as suicide bombings against civlians. Therefore, these Palestinian Nazis shall be tried and put to death for their war crimes against The Israeli Army. Then the next day, they bombed a bus near Haifa killing about 10 people. That was the first major attack on a civlian target since the offensive against terrorism began. Then on April 12, 2002, a Palestinian Nazi woman suicide bomber blew herself up as she was trying to get on a bus near The Machane Yehuda Market killing 6 people. May all of these Nazi terrorists' names and memories be erased.

Israel ended that offensive but more offensives should be carreid out until the death of every single Palestinian terrorist starting with Abu Mazen to the potential suicide bombers. Israel captured Marwan Barghouti during the operation and put him on trial and he was found guilty but his sentence was not enough and he must be re-sentenced to death, hanged, cremated, and have his ashes spread over The Mediterranean Sea like Adolf Eichman.

On May 7, 2002, an Arab Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up in a Rishon LeTzion pool hall killing about 15 people. May his name and memory be erased. Israel must respond to this attack by wiping out all the terrorists.

On June 5, 2002, a Palestinian Nazi terrorist exploded a car bomb at Megido Junction killing over 15 people on a bus. May his name and memory be erased.

On June 18, 2002, an Arab Nazi suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus in Jerusalem killing about 20 people. May his name and memory be erased.

For the continuatian of the latest developments, go to http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/4952/PA1.htm.

Here are some pictures having to do with The Palestinian Authority and their terrorist acomplices.

Here is a picture of Yasser Arafat, YM"S, signing a "peace" agreement with Israel on September 28, 1995, at The White House in Washington. He is the late and un-lamented PLO arch-terrorist and PLO/Palestinian Authority Chairman.

Here are Abu Mazen and Abu Ala, the former and current PA "Prime Ministers". These 2 men were candidates to succeed Yasser Arafat, YM"S, as the next PLO arch terrorist as far back as 1997. When Arafat finally died of AIDS on November 11, 2004, Abu Mazen succeeded him as PLO/Palestinian Authority Chairman.

Here are some Hamas leaders. The Hamas is very close allies with The Palestinian Authority. Hamas quite frequently carries out terrorist attacks for The PA on Israel.

Here is the handshake between Yitzhak Rabin, Z"L, and Yasser Arafat, YM"S on September 13, 1993, at The White House in Washington, that "ended" the state of war between Israel and The Palestinians. President Bill Clinton of The United States watches on.

Here is the handshake between Binyamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat, YM"S, on October 23, 1998, at The White House in Washington, that seemed as if it truely ended the state of war between Israel and The Palestinians. President Bill Clinton of The United States and King Hussein of Jordan watch on.

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