Images of Our History

"What Would The World Be Like?"

This story is about a group of people who were "tired" of African Americans, so they joined together and decided to wish them away.

After wishing, they found themselves in America without black people.......they were very surprised.

What is a world without black people?

First, there are very few flourishing crops because the nation was built on a slave-supported system.

There are no cities with tall skyscrapers because ALEXANDAR MILES, a black man, invented the elevator, and without it one finds great difficulty reaching high floors.

There are very few cars because RICHARD SPIKES, a black man, invented the automatic gear shift, JOSEPH GAMMEL, invented the supercharge system for internal combustion engines, and GARRET A. MORGAN, invented the traffic light.

Furthermore, one could not use the rapid transit system because its precursor was the electric trolley, which was invented by ELBERT R. ROBINSON.

Even if there were streets on which cars and rapid transit system could operate, they were cluttered with paper because an African American, CHARLES BROOKS, invented the street sweeper.

There were very few newspapers, magazines, and books because JOHN LOVE invented the pencil sharpener, WILLIAM PURVIS invented the fountain pen,LEE BURRIDGE invented the type writing machine and W.A. LOVETTE invented the advanced printing press.

Even if everyone could write their letters, articles and books, they would not have been transported by mail because WILLIAM BARRY invented the postmarking and canceling machine, WILLIAM PURVIS invented the handstamp and PHILLIP DOWNING invented the letter drop.

The lawns were brown and wilted because JOSEPH SMITH invented the lawn sprinkler and JOHN BURR the lawn mower.

When they entered their homes, they found them to be poorly ventilated and heated. You see, FREDERICK JONES, invented the air conditioner and ALICE PARKER, the heating furnace.

Their homes were filthy because THOMAS W. STEWART invented the mop and LLOYD P. RAY the dust pan.

Their children met them at the door barefoot, shabby, motley and unkept. But what could one expect, JAN E. MATZELINGER invented the shoe lasting machine, WALTER SAMMONS invented the comb, LYDIA O. NEWMAN invented the brush, SARAH BOONE invented the ironing board and GEORGE T. SAMON invented the clothes dryer.

And at dinner time? Here again, the food spoiled because a black man, JOHN STANDARD invented the refrigerator.

And there was no light to eat their spoiled meal because the filament within the light bulb was invented by a black man.

I do not know the original author of this article, but my thanks to those who have forwarded this to me so that I may present it here for all to view and LEARN.


