
When I discovered the Web, I found a lot of document about Armenian question and Armenian-Turkish relationship. Most of the documents contains hatred and dislike. Both the Turks and Armenians insist on figting and noone thinks about the possibility of peace and brotherhood.

On the other hand, in the history you can find the evidence of good relations between Turks and Armenians. The Armenians of Ottoman Empire took part in army, in the goverment and in all aspects of social life. Many of the palaces, goverment buildings and even some mosques were built by Armenian architects. In the cities, Armenians and Turks were living together as neighbors and they had no problems during hundreds of years.

I want especially the Armenians read my pages, because I want to remind them the history, the way we lived together long years. And despite everything, we have Armenians living in Istanbul. I want to show them, the Turks are not primitive, uncivilized and barbarian people as they have been told.

My purpose is to build a bridge between Armenians and us again. It's hard to build it after all happened till 1915. But it's possible, if there is a little love and tolerance left in people's hearts.

If you have any dislike about the pages, please write to me.

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