Libertarian Party

"When people ask if the United States can afford to place the President on trial...
If the system can stand impeachment...
My answer is - can we afford anything else?" - George McGovern

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The South Dakota Libertarian Party has a Tax Plan!
...and we're the ONLY political party in SD which does.
Government Wears No Clothes

The national Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Web

The Liberty Round Table

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The Fully Informed Jury

Libertarian Issues Papers

South Dakota Government Info

Countdown to Supreme Court


South Dakota Libertarian Party
Post Office Box 9341
Rapid City, SD 57709-9341

605-348-9461, 255-4032, 352-4559, or 348-0244

Nathan Barton, Bob Newland, Spencer Nesson, and Debby Barton

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