This tourament was a severe disapointment, but we will be starting a new one by Christmas. If anyone still wishes to complete this tournament, please email me (I'm still willing to play!).
All matches are best 2 of 3 unless both players agree to another format. Both players must report the result of the matches, otherwise both players will be disqualified. (Skunks DO count as 2 games!!! Double-Skunks count as 4 games!! Once an opponent has won 2 games [or one skunk] the match is OVER. There is no need for a third game!!)
Please contact your opponent and set a time to play. If there are any problems, questions, etc., please contact Daniel "Squid Surprise" Goldlist.
Email Daniel "Squid Surprise" Goldlist
© 1997 Cribbage Inc. This page was last updated November 1, 1997.