Round One
1Daniel "Squid Surprise" Goldlist
32. Cam "Guardian452" Taylor
17. Peter "Fast Hands" Giesbrecht
16. Jennifer "Jenni" Foss
9.Letha "Letha" Tremble
24.Shari "Bewitched" Linsky
25.Keith "kidk" Krienke
8. Cari "Gadget" Haworth
5. Kent "Bowulf" Altena
28.Thomas "ClevelandCrunch" Ferguson
21. Colin "Goldwing" Buffett
12. Doug "Duggerdog" Merrell
13.William "Damage Inc." Coates
20. Mike "Striker" Breed
29.Michael W. "Chiirsh" Dutton
4. Richard S. "Cribcraze" Corbin
3. Dan "Lord of the Board" Tweyman
30.Terry "Radop" Buffett
19. Heath "Ralph" True
Shawn "Kaminski" Peacher
11. Bill "Doc Hugs" Young
Don "Coltrain" English
27.William "Buffett" Buffett
6.Gary "SF RANGER" Ream
7.Bonnie "Bumbee" Meisezahl
26.Wayne "Fireman" Bolt
23.John "Jigger" Leski
Bill "Dhaller" Williams
15.Brian "Embryo" Berkovitz
18.Sherri "Sherri" Webster
31.Kay "Missalliss" Besaw
2.Robert A. "Nibsmonger" Laird
All matches are best 2 of 3 unless both players agree to another format. Both players must report the result of the matches, otherwise both players will be disqualified.
Please contact your opponent and set a time to play. You have one week to play your opponent, after which both players are disqualified. If there are any problems, questions, etc., please contact Daniel "Squid Surprise" Goldlist (