Center for Responsive Politics:
A useful site to learn where your favorite politicians
are recieving their financial support
The Federal Election Commission:
These are the people that make sure that Clinton
is funneling money legally.
Visit and harrass these annoying
people and organizations
E-Mail the Chief Fiend- Tell him how much he sucks, and watch yourself get audited.
Write the woman Clinton hasn't slept with
Clinton's boring buddy-Ask him why humans are responsible for El Nino, not the Dog
Enter the realm of Socialism with your host Paul Wellstone
Visit the site for America's Amazons-
The Rainbow Coalition- Not to be confused with the Gay Alliance, though they are
The Deformed Party-Ross Perot's disgusting playground of lies and stupidity
Other interesting sites that you may benefit from knowing about
The Drudge Report- Visit the
site that broke the scandal first and harbors other information
the most powerful dog in the world-
I don't mean the President of NOW
Ted Kennedy Whipping Post-Interesting format for ripping on Ted
A great anti-feminist page-Very intelligent and insightful location
One of the most comprehensive Conservative sites around the web
page is so intriguing I would never think of leaving.
Why don't you learn to read, you illiterate, maggot infested,
pot smoking liberals?