Self-esteem evaluation

Remember your Self-Esteem is what it is , the automatic product of your heritage and total life experience; and thus nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. It is important, however, that you be honest with yourself in order to obtain as valid a score as possible. For your Self-Esteem Index (SEI) is simply a reference point for gauging your progress in building self-esteem.

Score as follows:" O " If not true
" 1 " If somewhat true
" 2 " If mostly true
" 3 " If true


_______1. I usually feel inferior to others
_______2. I normally feel warm and happy toward myself
_______3. I often feel inadequate to handle new situations.
_______4. I usually feel warm and friendly to all I contact.
_______5. I habitually condemn myself for my mistakes and shortcoming.
_______6. I am free of shame, blame, guilt and remorse.
_______7. I hava a driving need to prove my worth and excellence.
_______8. I have great enjoyment and zest for living.
_______9. I am much concerned about what others think and say of me.
______10. I can let others be " wrong " without attempting to correct them.
______11. I have an intense need for recognition and approval.
______12. I am usually free of emotional turmoil, conflict and frustration.
______13. Losing normally causes me to feel resentful and "less than."
______14. I usually anticipate new endeavors with quite confidence.
______15. I am prone to condemn others or wish them purnished.
______16. I normally do my own thinking and make my own decisions.
______17. I often defer to others on account of their ability and wealth and prestige.
______18. I willingly take responsibility for the consequences of my actions.
______19. I am inclined to exaggerate and lie to maintain a desired image
______20. I am free to give precedence to my own needs and desires.
______21. I tend to belittle my own talents, possessions and achivements.
______22. I normally speak up for my own opinions and convictions.
______23. I habitually deny, alibi, justify or rationalize my mistakes and defeats.
______24. I am usually poised and comfortable among strangers.
______25. I am very often critical adn belittling of others.
______26. I am free to express love, anger, hostility, resentment, joy, etc.
______27. I feel very vulnerable to others' opinions, comments adn attitudes.
______28. I rarely experience jealousy, envy or suspiction.
______29. I am a " professional people pleaser."
______30. I am not prejudiced toward racial, ethnic or religious groups.
______31. I am fearful of exposing my " real self."
______32. I am normally friendly, considerate and generous with others.
______33. I often blame others for my handicaps, problems and mistakes.
______34. I rarely feel uncomfortable, lonely and isolated when alone.
______35. I am a compulsive " perfectionist."
______36. I accept compliments and gifts without embarrassment or obligation.
______37. I am often compulsive about eating, smoking, talking or drinking.
______38. I am appreciative of others' achivements and ideas.
______39. I often shun new endeavors because of fear of mistakes or failures.
______40. I make and keep friends without exerting myself.
______41. I am often embarrassed by the actions of my family or friends.
______42. I readily admit by mistakes, shortcomings and defeats.
______43. I experience a strong need to defend my acts, opinions and beliefs.
______44. I take disagreement and refusal without feeling "put down" or rejected.
______45. I have an intense need for confirmation and agreement.
______46. I am eagerly open to new ideas and proposals.
______47. I customarily judge my self-worth by personal comparison with others.
______48. I am free to think any thoughts that come into my mind.
______49. I frequently boast about myself, my possessions and achivements.
______50. I accept my own authority and do as I, myself, see fit.

To obtain your self-esteem index:
Add the individual scores of all even numbered statements (i.e. No. 2,4,6,8,etc.). From this total subtract the sum of individual scores of all odd numbered statements (i.e. No. 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.). This net score is your current Self-Esteem Index, or SEI. For example: If the sum of all the individual scores of the even numbered statements is 62, your SEI is 37 - 62 or minus 26. The possible range of one's Self-Esteem Index is from -75 to -75. Yours will fall somewhere in between.

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