(My teacher Ms. Kutilek and me)

Hey -

This page is here for my platform for my campaign.

Currently, and over the past year, I have held the office of Student Council Vice-President. During this time, I have learned what is required of the Studet Council President, by learning from the current President, Jenny Macagba (who, by the way, has done an outstanding job), and I am now ready to move on to the next step in making the Student Council more effective for the students and school. My platform focuses on change within the Student Council. Changes made within the Student Council will allow more to be done to help the entire school. I am focusing on making the Council as effective and supportive for the school and its students as possible.

A conflict that the Student Council faces each year is that Seniors are elected to Student Council offices, unsure of what to do to make it better until the last few months of the school year. They work to get these things done, but there is not enough time. So, they plan to pass it down to the next (incoming) officers. Unfortuneatly, this is rarely accomplished, and the Student Council is back where they started a year before. By being elected and already serving as a Student Council officer, I have broken this constant cycle - I have been learning what the Student Council does well and what needs improvement. Along with the other officers, I have been pushing to make the Student Council more accessible for the students, and have laid down a plan that can go into effect early next year ... but only if I am elected. To make the Council more accessible, plans are underway to install a suggestion box, put out a monthly newsletter, and/or have our announcements added to the typical announcements during school. Adding these things to our school can and will make the Student Council more productive and efficient.

Now we get into the fun stuff that I really will push for. I have reviewed the Constitution of the Student Council, and noted several things that need to be corrected. In the Council, the major things we do are centered around a few people, usually the Student Council officers or Senior class officers. I believe that the Student Council can be much more productive if it was broken down into smaller groups - committees. In Article II, Section 2, the Constitution states that "Committees will be volunteered and appointed through the President to investigate all worthwhile matters proposed by the recognized Council. Unless otherwise stated, committees will have the final say in matters which they are investigating." If a committee is formed each time a project or idea comes up to work on, more people will be involved in the decision making process and give the actions more student involvement. The Student Council cannot be run by a select few. Everyone must contribute and the Council must act for the interests of the students. Again, this will lead to efficiency in the Student Council.

Earlier in the year, Molly Raiche (who is also running for Student Council President) came up with a great idea to have at least one Student Council member be allowed to attend the faculty meetings. This is Mollys idea, but I want to say that I, like Molly, strongly agree with this idea and will fight to make sure this happens. The Student Council Constitution states in Article II, Section 1-e, "The Student Council shall have the powers to serve the administration in an advisory capacity in matters concerning curriculum, school policies, and disciplinary matters." How can the Student Council possibly "serve" the administration without knowing what is going on?

I have some other ideas and changes I want to make involving the Constitution. I'm not going to list them here because they are just minor things in the way the Student Council is run, but if you would like to know what they are, mail me! A link for mail is on my main page.

Along with these new actions for the Student Council next year, I will continue to make the Student Council's major functions run smoothly. These include Homecoming Week (hopefully this year we will be able to have games outside!), Red Ribbon Week, the King Center Party, the Bloodmobile, and monthly Service Projects.

These things will be accomplished, but only if I am elected Student Council President. Remember, I am serving as the Vice-President now - I have been there, noting what needs to be done next year. I have a plan. Let me show you what I can do.


Links to other sites on the Web

My main page
My biography page

My "thank you" page