Lenin: Goddess of Love; the Hate Mail.

The ol' hate mail keeps rolling in! I have removed the sender's name from each note to protect the ignorant, and I do not correct spelling... notes appear as sent. Here's what's come in to date:

Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 21:39:22 -0400
To: smdaly@geocities.com

We are puting you and your page on the RED SCARE LIST.
We have conections...And we are not talking about any of
that silly 10 cent a minute crap. Be for warned,
We are watching you!!!


Do I respond to this? If you are a fan of the late
Senator Joe, look for the "Hell Annex" coming soon.

The following received in defense of the Motherland:

Subject: I don't like people sending you hate mail.
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 21:55:07 -0400
To: smdaly@geocities.com

It's seems funny when I read it on other peoples pages, (i.e. Jesus's
Home Page, etc) but I don't want people sending it to you.

Please make sure there is no way they can find out where you live.
There are some very sick people in this world and I don't want them
bothering you!

Maybe you should change you geocities name. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Aren't we all just a little bit paranoid?
In defense of the hate mail senders, I always welcome an unhealthy
exchange of meaningless drivel. Keep it coming!

Speaking of blissfully happy, read this!

Subject: self.html
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 21:04:23 -0700
To: smdaly@geocities.com

Dear Sir,

I was feeling a little down today, so I thought I'd visit your web site.
Now I am incredibly depressed.
Thank you so much.

Maybe there's a Barney webpage you could visit.

More! And screw my detractors!

Subject: what a page!
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 21:40:23 +0100
To: smdaly@geocities.com

Hello, I have just finished looking through your goddess of love : lenin page, and I must admit that it is one of the greatest things to ever happen to the web. i am also a great admirer of Lenin and a page like this brings tears to my eyes. Keep up the good work!

Subject: mesage
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 10:11:18 -0400 (EDT)
To: smdaly@geocities.com

Well glad to see that your still writing. I am a little concerned about the paranoid turn your page has taken. But, keep up the good work. Btw the Dan quote is a classic. I am going to see him this wknd (I believe) I'll let him know his fifteen minutes have arrived.

Dig it!

Where's the hate?

Subject: I forgot to mention.....
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 21:12:32 -0800
To: smdaly@geocities.com

...loved your new slogan: "Carpe Nullum"!

What can I say......?

Not suprisingly, that's all the mail to date; check back often!

I can't stand these cruel people! Get me out of here!