Cussing In School

I know some people reading this are thinking, "Ok, now this guy is just getting a little extreme wanting to be able to cuss in school." Well, I suppose I am a little, but you have to look at it from the right perspective. I have to ask one question, "Why is cussing bad?"
Lets go into a little history on swearing (I'm not doing a lot of researching on this, so if you want to send me some history or correct anything please send me an e-mail.) From what I know, most cuss words came from a long time ago for various reasons.
Damn - In my dictionary, the word DAMN is defined as "Used to express anger, irritation, contempt, or disappointment." I don't know the history behind this word, but it seems like a legit word, and it's in the English Dictionary. If you ask me, it's just a form of expression, a good word to express yourself if you're angry, frustrated, or disappointed, what's wrong with that? People aren't going to take you seriously if you're mad and you say "Well gee-golly-gosh-darn" but if you say damnit people will recognize that you're angry or frustrated.
Shit - To defecate. To defecate in. 1. Excrement. 2. An act or instance of defecating. 3. Foolishness
To sum it um, it means crap, or foolishness. What's wrong with this? Most people in their minds can't get out of that frame of mind that cussing is wrong, because that's just how they've grown up and it's always been wrong, and probably will always be considered wrong. It's this kind of thinking that killed innocent people for claiming the world was round.
Piss - Slang - To urinate, To urinate on or in, 1. Urine 2. The act of urinating.
Just like Shit, this is just another part of everyday life. And once again, you can use this word to express yourself in a better way.
Those are just a few words. In my opinion, cuss words actually save time. Lets say you don't like somebody and you wish to call them a name. You could say "He has a penis for a head", or you could say "He's a dickhead," same meaning, easier to say and comes naturally.
I think most teachers cuss, and to be totally honest I've been flipped off by a teacher in class. I would never get him in trouble because that teacher in a way was just being honest with me and wasn't trying to be some fake role model that doesn't really exist and he was just joking when he did it, so I actually respect him more for it.
I can not speak for anyone else, but contrary to popular belief, most people learn to cuss in school. Whether you want to believe it or not, that's where the majority of kids start. As for me, I started cussing in 2nd grade and haven't stopped since. This brings me to another thing, Southpark. People talk about how bad that show is, but in reality that is what being a kid is like. Not that extreme, but kids do cuss a lot and make fun of fat kids, but I don't ever remember making fun of Jews, but I suppose it might happen today.
I've asked teachers and people about this, most say something about respect. Well, wearing hats in front of people used to be a sign of disrespect and that's why we're not allowed to wear hats in school, this is very outdated just like cussing is. In my opinion, swearing is just a way of expressing yourself just like how you dress. Swearing is never going to go away, it will always be in the media, movies, tv, and our everyday life in public. In my opinion, cussing will always exist and will never go away, so I think we should just embrace it and use swearing as a way of communicating better to each other.