Table of Contents

This website location contains these six major areas:

2000 Database of Prisoner and Criminal Justice Legislation
1999 Database of Prisoner and Criminal Justice Legislation
1998 Database of Prisoner and Criminal Justice Legislation
1997 Database of Prisoner and Criminal Justice Legislation
Links to Relevant Maryland and Other Criminal Justice Websites
Issues and Sources

Link to Upgraded Ematic Site

2000 Maryland General Assembly
Database of Prisoner and Criminal Justice Legislation

Click on any specific bill which may be of interest to you for current status and Chapter number with the Maryland General Assembly.

1999 Maryland General Assembly
Database of Prisoner and Criminal Justice Legislation

Click on any specific bill which may be of interest to you for current status and Chapter number with the Maryland General Assembly.

This site is the FIRST site to have and YOU are one of the FIRST to have --
Tables of Contents for the biggest monster bills out there!!!!!

The Most and the Best Mailing Addresses of the 1999 General Assembly Interim Session

1998 Maryland General Assembly
Database of Prisoner and Criminal Justice Legislation

1997 Maryland General Assembly
Database of Prisoner and Criminal Justice Legislation

Final Results

It is recommended you verify any information with:
Maryland General Assembly Home Page
or call Legislative Reference at (410) 946-5400

Cross-References (i.e., "Links") to Relevant Maryland and Other Criminal Justice Sources

When and if you click on any one or more of the above listed sites, it is with your legal understanding that the Independent Prisoner Advocate is not responsible for anything after you leave this site and strike out on your own. It is disclosed, however, that some of the content you may run into subsequently on the above-listed websites may or may not contain the whole truth and/or something less than the truth. It is your own personal responsibility to evaluate websites as they come along, and you have to realize that one or another website may not be responsible for the sins of another. Good luck on your criminal justice journey"

Issues and Sources: Background Information

In General

Spring Hasn't Totally Sprung Newsletter, 1999
Summertime is Over, 1998 Newsletter
1998 Mayflowers Newsletter - Super Special!!! - Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria - Off the Edge!!!
Mayflowers Newsletter - Insider Edition
Mayflowers Newsletter - 1997 Maryland General Assembly
1996 Maryland General Assembly -- Synopsis of Advances

Building, Budget, Population and Spending

Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services "Revised Structural Paradigm" -- March 22, 1999
..... (i.e., improved, proposed - Phase I - Organization Chart)

September, 1997 Analysis: MHC Annex and Pending Prison Expansion
Division of Correction: Fiscal Year 1996 Expenditures, Sites, Population
Division of Correction: Fiscal Year 1997 Appropriations for Sites and Population
Fiscal Year 1997: Per Inmate Costs
Matters Considered at Parole Hearing: Cost to State
Building Program from 1980s: Action Agenda Now in Action
What Would You Do as a Solution to Crime?
1994 DOC Operating Budget Contest: It's Not a Pick 9 Lottery
The New Prisons in Progress during 1993
1993 DOC Operating Budget Contest: The Price is Right!

Good Time, Diminution Credits and the Roles of the Judiciary and Legislative Branches

ESSAY: One Victim's Odyssey in a Maryland District Court -
..... Coming to Grips with the Front-End after Coming to Grips with the Back-End

Letter to Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals - The Honorable Robert M. Bell - October 11, 1998


Offenders & Advocates Coalition for Change - Lifer Newsletter
Legislative Coordinating Committee Maryland House of Correction
January, 1997 Lifer Newsletter Lifers during 1994 and 1995 Plans
The Dawn of the Maryland Lifers' Fund

Legal Services

Essay: One Victim's Odyssey in a Maryland District Court -
..... Coming to Grips with the Front-End after Coming to Grips with the Back-End

Letter to the Governor: The Private Bar vs. The Public Defender
Legal Services Update
Update and Pro Se Litigation
Legal Aid and the Public Defender
Legal Services Overview

Death Penalty

The Death Penalty during 1994
The Death Penalty during the 1994 Legislative Session
Death Penalty - Colvin-El - Letter to the Baltimore Sunpaper - May 29, 2000

Supermax (MCAC)

December, 1996 Overview and Status Report
Supermax, 1994: Tips for Improving Your Writing Skills

Telephone Charges

And you thought AT&T was a ripoff!
Costs and tips to save money on your phone bill.

What are prisoners really like?

Introducing the Jailbaby Classification System
The Supermaximum JBCS

Sources by Chronology

1996 August Newsletter - Legal Services Special!!!

1996 December Newsletter with Special Section on MCAC ("Supermax")

Christmas, 1994 Newsletter

Christmas Update, 1993

1993 Report to the Governor's Commission on the Death Penalty

Nancy Moran
Independent Prisoner Advocate
550 Saint Mary Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Voice: (410) 225-0697
Fax: (410) 225-3584

Email address:

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