Nancy Moran
July, 1991
Author of 28-page "Comments on Proposed Action on Regulations" (Wednesday, March 28, 1990) with three-page Table of Contents.
Author of the report,
"What Happened to $148,654,082 in FY 1985?"
, an alternative management report for the 1986 legislative session.
Editorials for the
Evening Sun
: "A Visit to the Penitentiary" (Monday, December 31, 1984); and "Patuxent's Flip Side" (Tuesday, March 28, 1989).
Letters for the morning
included "Privatization as Management Tool" (Monday, January 12, 1987); "Reclassification a Must in State Prisons" (Saturday, February 13, 1988); and "A Word on Arnold Hopkins' Behalf" (Tuesday, September 6, 1988).
Recent Experience/Responsibility Specific to Corrections:
Founder and Co-editor of "The Legal Manual for the Maryland Prisoner", in conjunction with inmates at the Maryland Penitentiary. (Copies distributed throughout the Division.)
Editor and Production Artist (designer and desktop publisher) of the Inmate Organizational Cooperative Committee, Maryland House of Correction, Directory of Organizations.
Regularly conduct correspondence with about 120 prison inmates in a given year (i.e., approximately 300 pieces of correspondence of one kind or another).
Teacher and advisor. Either by way of correspondence, visit, lectures, phone calls. Six-week seminar at Maryland Penitentiary on "Getting Results from Your Writing" to about 15-20 residents (1989). First module entitled, "Listening".
"Troubleshooter" by way of bringing prison-related issues to the attention of government administrators high and low by phone call, letter, etc., as needed, appropriate and feasible.
Advisor, Contributor and/or Author of a number of prison-related legal actions such as post convictions, petitions for writ of habeas corpus and federal civil rights actions.
Coordinator and information director of a large scale effort in the 1990 legislative session to track important legislation (parole, victims' rights, etc.) and inform legislators on their soundness and advisability.
Author of a bill which would have replaced Article 41 on Release on Parole of Maryland Inmates, introduced in the 1988 session by Delegate Pauline Menes of Montgomery County. Also submitted a bill entitled, "Inmates - Release on Parole" for the 1989 session.
Other Experience:
Law Library Assistant, Baltimore City Jail
(about 10 months in 1980-1981). Set about learning as much as possible about Maryland criminal law and appropriate civil rights law (from law books, from individuals, and from papers and other materials they shared with me); and developed and implemented a method to coordinate and make maximum use of ten (10) inmate workers in controlling the "flow" both of population and library materials. Acquired skills in interviewing "clients" singly or in groups of various sizes. Taught and lectured on various aspects of Maryland law. Imparted a knowledge and respect for the United States Constitution. Authored several form motions such as for Discovery, Habeas Corpus and Civil Rights violations. Maintained good relations with security staff. Advised inmates of consequences of certain actions such as setting fire to their living area.
Expertise of Interest and Relevance:
Computer Expertise
: Knowledge of DOS operating system, used to set up and manage an IBM-compatible personal computer. Some experience though not mastery of Lotus 1-2-3. Some experience though not mastery of dBase III Plus, but good deal of familiarity with databases such as PC-File Plus.
Word Processing Software
: Word Perfect 4.2 and 5.0 [IBM] and 1.01 [Macintosh], Wang, NBI, DisplayWrite 3 and 4, Microsoft Word [IBM and Macintosh], and others.
Legal Skills
: Excellent English language and writing skills; legal research in various specialties; writing/editing various types of contracts. Letter writing. Writing and editing Procedures Manuals. Assisting banks, insurance companies, doctors, etc. in preparation of reports and forms to government agencies.
Filing and especially
in a wide variety of contexts for use by a wide variety of employees (not to be confused with simple alphabetizing and placing in the right folder).
, organizational management and organization charts (due to extensive exposure to corporate leaders in their day to day operations as well as significant number of years' experience in personnel departments of large companies).
Educational History:
B.A., 1978, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Major in Natural Science (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Black History, Antitrust Law, Political Science, Spanish, French, Greek, etc.). Member General Honors Group. Benjamin Franklin Scholarship recipient. National Merit Scholarship. Finalist American Chemical Society competition as senior high school student.
Editorial Assistant and Typist to Ph.D. candidate in Vernacular Architecture not a native American speaker. Assisted doctoral fellow in producing manuscripts to fulfill Master's and Ph.D. requirements in studying buildings, ranging from churches to fortresses to private homes in cities such as in Venice, Athens, and Constantinople.
Trip to Mexico City and Puebla, Mexico (two months) in 1979. Learned about "wealth" and "poverty" especially in contexts of overcrowding. Spent day touring a Mexican jail and interviewing the inhabitants. Acquired an "inside" knowledge of history, language, customs and culture. With outside reading, learned about legal system and constitution. Ability to communicate in Spanish continues to this day.
Volunteer, Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland, Inc.
Civilian Advisor, Legal Clinic Education Foundation, Maryland House of Correction
Advisor/Lecturer, D.E.T.E.R., Inc., a legal-oriented inmate self-help group, Maryland Penitentiary
Advisor/Participant, Writers Club, Maryland House of Correction
Informal Advisor, other inmate groups, including the Inmate Advisory Committee and Inmate Organization Coordinating Committee at the Maryland House of Correction
Member and active participant, Walters Art Gallery
Member and Supporter, Baltimore Museum of Industry
Former member, Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs
Nancy Moran
Independent Prisoner Advocate
Email address:
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