People Emerging...or Disappearing

The Other Side of the Drain

"Glycerine" by Bush

I'm thinking of my wonderful, brilliant, funny friend Mark who died too young this Dec.22. If there was a Christian I admired, one whose beliefs made him kinder rather than meaner, it was him. We never agreed about his faith but we respected the right to disagree. Now, his faith is a comfort to me, because it must have been a comfort for him . Right or wrong, he would've "known" where he was going at the end, and I want to believe that's where he is. But I don't know.

I. The Dream of the Drain

II. TELL ME What You Think---Take The Reardenmetal Afterlife Survey!

I. The Dream of the Drain

Everyone says that you can't die in your dreams or you'll die in real life. But when I was a child I died again and again in mine, and woke up none the worse for wear. It was a disturbing dream, though, recurring dozens of times over several years.

Always I died in the same horrible way--pushed, dragged against my will into a cramped shower stall, fighting helplessly to escape. Then the water would rain down on me from the showerhead, growing hotter and hotter, from steaming to scalding to liquid fire. I couldn't move or get away from it. I would scream at first until my torn vocal chords couldn't scream anymore. Mercifully, I couldn't burn forever. I melted.

I melted and joined the swirling water and went down the drain. Falling through the drain, I could briefly look up and see the light coming through the holes above, briefly hear the echo of the water pounding there. Then darkness and nothing--and I would wake up.

I always knew I was dead at the end of the dream. What was maddening was that I never dreamed what came next.

I have always been fretful about death and afterlife. I'm in my early 30's but have a preteen's morbid fascination with death. The rest of you "got it" when you were twelve or thirteen: yes, we all die . Smoke another joint and freak out on that idea, then grow up and forget about it. But that just doesn't work for me. I think too much about it and can't claim any greater knowledge on the subject for all the time spent thinking of it.

When I hear someone say, even in a movie, that they aren't afraid to die, I think, "You have GOT to be crazy, or lying, or both." I'm very afraid. We don't know what's on the other side of that drain.

II. TELL ME What You Think

So let's hear it from you! This survey is easy, confidential, almost even fun. And your answers will not be ridiculed by any dead people--you have my guarantee.

Please click here to take the Reardenmetal Afterlife Survey!

As the responses come in, I'll post them HERE! So check it out!

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