The Friendship House is a product of the Latin-American tradition of
warm and open-hearted hospitality. Run by the wives of Rotarians, it is
a platform for many of the Clubs' philanthropic activities. The
Friendship House in Brazil is entirely autonomous and is recognised as a
Public Utility by Statute 5.575/69.
Many Rotary Clubs throughout the world have now taken up the idea and
much of the beneficent work of Rotary is channelled through the
Friendship Houses, although officially activities are restricted to the
support of the Club and promotions deriving from the Procedures Manual.
However, the activities of the 1800+ Friendship Houses in supporting the
Rotarian Ideals are widely publicised in international Rotarian
literature and well-deserved accolades are awarded to the efficient
performance by the ladies of their valuable social and philanthropic
work world-wide.
Friendship House Directorship: