Medical Planning and Training Assistance
Essential Technologies (formerly Emergency Information System International)Essential Technologies  was one of the first companies to develop emergency management software and information systems designed specifically to protect lives, property, and the environment from all types of disasters. 
International Medical Consultants, Inc. (IMC)IMC provides national and world-wide consultation and guidance in Preventive Medicine (travel advice, immunizations, outbreaks bio-hazards), Occupational Health (business health concerns, industrial hygiene, worker safety, program management), Environmental Health (food and water, waste, air quality, pest control), and Health Training.
Mark D. Pardue, Ph.D.  Dr. Pardue has many years of contract experience working with the federal government, especially the Department of Defense.  For the past 6 years, he has been the project manager for the Joint Electronic Battlebook (JEB), an automated logistics and medical planning system used by the Unified Commands and the National Disaster Medical System.
Department of Military and Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS)
U.S. Marine Corps Field Medical Service School Exportable Training
And last, but not least, me--Kurt A. SanftlebenI do consulting work in military and disaster medicine; faculty and curriculum development; instructional design; and staff training.  
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