The International Anti-ZOG Organization Of Empowered White Folk wants YOUR membership! Just fill out this handy-dandy form and send $150 to our address (which we cannot tell you for fear the ZOG will get us) and you too can be entered into our giant database, which we keep written on the backs of our welfare cheque receipts! Remember, no blacks nor Jews need apply. We're afraid of you.

Join our white power organization TODAY and you can win prizes! We're giving away Rahowa CDs (nobody will buy them) and free T-shirts with catchy WP slogans like "The ZOG is responsible for everything bad that's ever happened to me and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."

Since you are presumably a racist, we have designed this form so that some other person with a shred of intelligence can read it out for you and explain the big words, like "name." Please ask them to print legibly.


What you wish your name was if you were German:_____________________

Age: ___ Mental Age: ___

(Note: For white power types, mental age cannot exceed 4.)

1) Educational experience:
___ I flunked kindergarten due to a ZOG conspiracy
___ I flunked Grade 1 due to a ZOG conspiracy
___ I flunked Grade 2 due to a ZOG conspiracy
___ I listen to Rev. Ron's nonexistent radio show

2) What job would you currently hold if it wasn't for the fact that you're a worthless white trash bum?
___ Ditch digger
___ Backup singer for Rahowa
___ Touring the pro nose picking circuit
___ Employment is a ZOG conspiracy

3) Briefly describe yourself.
___ I look like the big guy with the horns on the cover of that Rahowa CD
___ I look like Hitler. (Short, dark hair.)
___ I look like Les Griswold's dream Hitler. (Blonde.)
___ I look like the banjo player from "Deliverance."

4) What's your favourite colour?
___ Pure Aryan white
___ Pure Aryan white
___ Swastika black... um, non-white
___ The visible spectrum is a ZOG conspiracy

5) How many black people have you ever actually spoken with?
___ None
___ None, but I've slept with "negresses."
___ I talk to myself while watching Montel Williams
___ What do you mean, Tonya Harding is white?

6) What, to your mind, proves the existence of the ZOG conspiracy?
___ Because if there isn't, I have to admit I'm a loser
___ What does that stand for again?
___ A cousin of mine knew a guy who was the best friend of a guy whose father was the barber of a guy who was in the SA, and HE said there was.
___ Ricardo Montalban says so in "The Wrath Of Khan" if you run the VCR tape backwards.

7) What do you think you can bring to a white power organization?
___ My banjo
___ My sister, we've been married for seven years
___ I was hoping you'd give me a job
___ My Rahowa CDs

8) Who was the President Of The United States in 1957?
___ Dwight D. Eisenhower
___ Lyndon B. Johnson
___ George "The Coward" Burdi
___ A representative of the ZOG

Thanks for joining our organization of concerned white power types. See you at the trailer park!

This is humor, folks. I am not a White Supremacist or a Skinhead.

Document Source: "Send in, win White prizes!" posted August 12, 1995 in newsgroup alt.politics.white-power by Rick Jones.

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