Are you handy with woodworking tools? Here are some simple projects that are sure to generate a little sawdust!

Scroll down to see these projects:

  • Storage Shelf Unit
  • Picnic Table
  • Peterson Bluebird House
  • Note: Information on these projects is available in both .jpg format and in Microsoft Word (.doc) format.

    Storage Shelf Unit:

    GOT JUNK? Would you like to build a practical storage shelf unit for your garage, basement, or utility room? If so take a look at this design. It is for a 8'-3" wide x 16 " deep x 70" unit with 5 shelves. It is all wood construction and costs about $60 to $70 to construct.

  • Pictorial drawing of Shelf Unit (jpg format).
  • Shelf Unit Drawings (jpg format).
  • Assembly Instructions (jpg format) page 1 of 2.
  • Assembly Instructions (jpg format) page 2 of 2.
  • Cutting Instructions (jpg format) page 1 of 2.
  • Cutting Instructions (jpg format) page 2 of 2.
  • End Section Assembly (jpg format).
  • Microsoft WORD Format (.doc) Documents:

    Note: These contain the same information as above (except there is no Word document for the pictorial drawing). These were done in Word 7.0. Use caution---If you download and use a different version of WORD, some formatting may be lost. Also, you may have trouble with your browser trying to view the document as a Wordpad document instead of as a Word document. If so, just save the file and then open it with WORD. Make sure your view setting in WORD is set to "page layout" view to see the drawing information within the document.

  • Shelf Unit Drawings (Word format).
  • Assembly Instructions (Word format) .
  • Cutting Instructions (Word format).
  • End Section Assembly (Word format).

  • Picnic Table:

  • Materials List - Gen. Info. (jpg format).
  • Drawings (jpg format).
  • Cutting Instructions (page 1 of 2.) (jpg format)
  • Cutting Instructions (page 2 of 2.) (jpg format)
  • Assembly Instructions (page 1 of 3.) (jpg format)
  • Assembly Instructions (page 2 of 3.) (jpg format)
  • Assembly Instructions (page 3 of 3.) (jpg format)
  • Microsoft WORD Format (.doc) Document:

    Note: The .doc file below contains the same information as all the .jpg files listed immediately above. This was done in Word 7.0.  Use caution---If you download and use a different version of WORD, some formatting may be lost. Also, you may have trouble with your browser trying to view the document as a Wordpad document instead of as a Word document. If so, just save the file and then open it with WORD. Make sure your view setting in WORD is set to "page layout" view to see the drawing information within the document.

  • Picnic Table (Word format).

  • Peterson Bluebird House:

  • Materials List - Gen. Info. (jpg format).
  • Cutting Instructions (page 1 of 2.) (jpg format)
  • Cutting Instructions (page 2 of 2.) (jpg format)
  • Assembly Drawing (jpg format)
  • Assembly Instructions (jpg format)
  • Microsoft WORD Format (.doc) Document:

    Note: The .doc file below contains the same information as all the .jpg files listed immediately above. This was done in Word 7.0.  Use caution---If you download and use a different version of WORD, some formatting may be lost. Also, you may have trouble with your browser trying to view the document as a Wordpad document instead of as a Word document. If so, just save the file and then open it with WORD. Make sure your view setting in WORD is set to "page layout" view to see the drawing information within the document.

    Peterson Bluebird House(Word format).

    Information provided by:

    Gary Wece
    325 Wece Lane
    Murphysboro, IL 62966

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