Sample Letter to Senators on Gramm Resolution

Example of letter sent by SAFER members to their Senators from January 17-21:

On Tuesday January 21, 1997, Senator Phil Gramm will offer a resolution
doubling non-defense research spending over the next ten years.  I urge you
to support this resolution.

I am a physicist and science educator who has spent the last 8 years
performing energy research.  Energy is fundamental to the ability of a
society to function.  Consider the facts:

* The United States currently imports more than 45% of the oil it consumes
annually at a direct cost of about $50 billion.

* Americans currently spend over $400 billion a year for gasoline and

* The U.S. Department of Energy currently spends less than $1 billion a
year on energy research and development .

While fossil fuels can supply the world's energy needs for perhaps a
hundred years or more, alternatives to fossil fuels are urgently needed.
We must aggressively pursue research and development of safe, clean, and
viable non-fossil fuel alternatives (fusion, fission, solar, hydro, wind,
etc.) now to ensure the energy needs of future generations.

Again, I urge you to support Senator Gramm's resolution doubling
non-defense research spending over the next ten years.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Andrew Post Zwicker
Science Education Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Science Education Program
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

member of SAFER - Scientists Advocating Fusion Energy Research